A while ago, I found the USB-chord to my +1 year old cell phone. For the first time since I got it. I can just mention that now, I've lost it and don't know where it is.
Anyway, here's some of the pictures I've taken with it.
Last easter in Stockholm. Since we still had snow up north, where I live, I was so happy that they had such a warm spring...
During the summer holidays, me and a couple of friends took a trip by car (right after I got my licence) and went to a beach. Later we stopped by this field for some tea, muffins and cookies.
Me during New Years -08. Bathroom pic!
My cute little dog. She's my baby...
In my school they put up posters for the "new zombie flu", when the swine flu came last winter. lol
If I were younger, I would have died to get that dress. I often think child clothing are awful, since the stores make them look like teens or adults, even if they're only five-seven, but I love this one (it's from H&M btw).