thrift store adventures 001

Sep 03, 2009 23:27

late blog. i was at my church's retreat last weekend so i spent my time soaking in God's creation instead of thinking of innovative ways of entertaining... well, you. whoever you are. if you are reading this, i'm terribly sorry that you must be so bored as to trip over this humble blogsite. as a student in temporary exile from the academic setting that is college [i failed a course and must wait for the spring semester to retake it] i have succumbed to sleeping late and sleeping in.
so, early this morning, 9am to be exact, my father [yes, i live with my parents, and i love it-- free housing, free food and unconditional love :D] woke me up to alert me about a family trip to the thrift store.

in today's economy, when dry cleaning prices are through the roof and consumers are complaining that the new tropicana carton design looks like a generic brand, i don't see any shame in going to thrift stores [just to clarify, i have no issues with thrift stores or the people that shop ithem, in fact, my family has been going them for years; it's waaaaay cheaper than going to the mall, and it's cool what random treasures you can find there].

and so begins the thrift store adventures series. in today's trip i documented several little gems that i hope you will enjoy in the posts to come.

here is a stack of vhs tapes. [if you were born after 1999, please refer to this article for an explanation of what a vhs tape is]

ah yes, a nostalgic reminder of friday afternoons when i would rush home from school to watch mmpr on fox kids. i personally don't remember viewing this holiday special episode. i pity the 22-year-old who had to give up this piece of his [her?] childhood. and no, i did not buy it. [as much as i wanted to, the thought of all the time i'd spend rewinding the tape each time i finished watching it turned me away.] i found it interesting that while their use has largely declined, there was still a pretty decent number of people hovering around the vhs tape aisle.

and since we're on the topic of mmpr, former green/white/red/black ranger, jason david frank [i kinda find it awkward that all three of his names could be first names...] is going to be a mma fighter. of course all those other guys are gonna lose though cuz they're up against a power ranger. duh. read all about it here.

power rangers, thrift store, vhs

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