Nov 27, 2010 21:12
I don't know what to write. I feel kind of let down and I don't even know why. I'm worried about my son's health. I feel like I'm a anti-social freak anymore. I can't seem to find any time to write and when I do, SOMEONE needs my attention or help. I didn't want this post to be negative but I am kind of lost.
Mike is at his friend's house, and the boys are on their way up to Grandpa and yaya's house. I miss them already...does that say something about me? Maybe I'm too attached to my boys...
I have not really had any fun with "friends" for a long time. I feel like I'm pressured to put up with this one girl, who's a wife of my boyfriend's friend. I feel like I'm just put up with because I am Mike's girlfriend. I'm not a very social person, but yet I love to be around people. I don't mind talking to people. I just wish I could hear sometimes. Maybe that would change everything.
I like who I am, but for some reason I'm uncomfortable being around other people. I feel like I'm usually around fake people. it drives me nuts and it's obvious when they're so self-conscious. I can't even relate with my own sisters. I feel like I bore them because I have interests in politics, philosophy and life! I'm not wanting to sit around, talking about problems and other family members or people. I want to talk about real things, things that MATTER! I want a healthy, flowing conversation...not small talk about materials, gossip, etc.
Mike just texted me that he'll be home soon. I kind of hope that he takes his time because I'm kind of getting settled by myself. It's been a while since I've been completely by myself and actually ENJOY it.
I always loved to be by myself - when I was younger - at the river house. The music would most definitely be playing as loud as I could stand. I would go around the house, looking through all the drawers and closets, hoping to find something special...maybe an escape to a different world where I could feel like I had something to say, something to show for. I've always wanted to DO something magical, or adventurous. Being at home alone gave me some of that, in a way. I didn't have to worry about feeling lonely while my family talks together, laughing at whatever it is that they were talking about. It's normal for hearing impaired people to feel this way, and for that reason, I refuse to allow it to bother me. Instead, I understand it. I understand what I was feeling then. I know that this is overused but if I could take my past back and relive it again, I wouldn't. Time and history's lessons in life are so valuable in memory. The time we have does not disappear like some like to think, our brain absorbs the time we have on this earth, by allowing us to have the ability to remember. The brain does this for a reason and it's obvious reason is to remember our mistakes and our loved ones, but the time given to us to LEARN! Oh, what's better then the feeling of always seeking the truth. If a belief of mine turns out to be false, then i will form a new belief based on what I find. This is not to say that I will stop believing in something if it's proven wrong, after all, we have imagination. I say life should be lived the way each individual wants to live. Let them be free by giving each individual the important tools in life, such as our Values and Principles, teach them philosophy w/ BOTH PROS AND CONS of that philosophy and the reason for why it may or may not work in our system. I know I'm just rambling on but these are the thoughts that come and go in my mind all the time. I don't get a full picture of a thought; it's like I'm watching a freeway of thoughts from above the words...Let them be free by allowing them to decide their beliefs and how to go about their way in life. Let them make their mistakes, let people get poor and pick themselves back up. Let churches or communities help the communities. Let our children have the freedom to be who and what they want to be. We can't even be ourselves in this country, and haven't for a long long while. Not even my grandmother's freedom was the true freedom given to us by the founders back in 1776. Our ancestors have been betrayed, EVERYONE has been betrayed in this country in the past but no one really ever really asked questions about HOW and WHAT were the reasons for all of those broken hearts and promises? The progressives. See, this is the stuff that I feel bores others. I never talk about it, yet a part of me wants to allow all the words within me to burst out into the sweet air. Instead, I see my words sinking to the ground, decayed as soon as it hits. Empty words. I don't want to talk politics. It's not that. I just want to be able to tell you that there is something wrong with our country. I want you to do your own research and find out for yourself what that wrong thing is. I want you to not tell me that there's nothing you can do anyway. I want to be able to tell you something without feeling like I'm worrying too much. It puts me into my shell, wondering if I'm worrying to much? This is our freedom we're talking about. If we could all just wake up and allow everyone to really look at the word freedom. Freedom. Freedom is not easily kept, and it is not easily gained either. It's simple, yet so fragile. It's slipping through our fingers and a lot of people still don't get it. The politicians are only the fingers doing the work keep the media busy and doing what the progressives want them to do. The media is the tool to distract through celebrities, materials, some sitcom shows, and obviously the news. They are the tools to distract us from what's really going on, what's really important for us to know. George Soros is the mind controlling the hands of these politicians, media and unions. It's scary and I only hope that more people do some research.
Blah..I'm starting a new paragraph. The last one brings me down. I'm just grateful that I have a man who is just as concerned and interested in these things as I am.
Freedom is so great, and we must be responsible in order to keep it. It is a belief of mine that principles and values are one way to keep freedom by exercising as many principles as you can throughout your everyday life. It is a belief of mine, that in order to keep freedom around, one must look at things from two sides. To do the work and seek out the truth will EMPOWER you to be the best you can be. Nothing is better then paying attention to how you come across to others. If everyone was to be the example, instead of the accuser, then freedom may stay. Have your kids, friends, or family member know to "question with boldness even the existence of a god; because if there be one he must approve of the homage of reason more than that of blindfolded fear." (Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Peter Carr, August 10, 1787) Let them decide on their own whether they believe in god or not, and whatever they come up with, so be it. It does not hurt us, but empowers us! You must allow others their freedom if you want yours. You cannot expect others to do things for you, that you can do so yourself! You have to use your brain and common sense! Trust in yourself. Create when you want to! If your work offends others, do you want them to be able to tell you to take it down? I wouldn't and I'm sure you wouldn't either. That is freedom that we were GIVEN the moment we became a fetus! We were created into this country not only to live the free life, but to continuously fight in order to keep our country free for not only ourselves, but our children and the immigrants who come into our country LEGALLY.
If you go and find an immigrant who came into this country legally, you might see that they are so grateful for this country! They love and will stand and fight for our Country's most important document in the World! (some might say that the bible is THE most important, but I say the both are equally important) Our Declaration of Independence and Constitution. Illegal immigrants only expect to have help, but I'm not painting them all with one paintbrush. I'm sure there are a lot of illegal immigrants who ARE grateful for this Country and may not be getting the right help they should be getting, such as all the information they need to know in order to become a citizen. It is important that they know their rights in order to protect themselves and keep our Constitution alive. You think this Constitution is just an old piece of paper that didn't work and won't work in our time now? Is it too small for the amount of people we have in this Country? These documents have been trampled on a long time ago. It was trampled on before your ancestors probably came. My grandpa came into America when he was 13 years old. He was greek but he made sure to show that he was American now. According to my sweet old grandma, he didn't want anything to do with his greek past, or food. He loved America so much! He was in WWII. He helped create the first satellite that was sent out into space. He was an engineer, an artist, a freedom fighter. He loved to listen to patriotic music. My dad used to listen to patriotic music when I was little and I loved it. All because my grandpa loved OUR Country. We are so distracted by materials and by what everyone else is doing. I just want to wake people up to what we can do! My Grandpa was free, but there were obviously still problems in our country. (sigh) I'm so grateful to be in this Country, and I'm so grateful for the documents we have in this Country, as well. I'm so grateful and AMAZED by our founders will and strength, as well as our fellow patriots.
I want freedom. I want to have the freedom to write everything I want w/out worrying it will be censored or might "offend" someone. I want others to have the freedom to create, write, or do anything so that I may have a chance to look, feel, read, or listen to their creation, whatever it may be. It seems that a lot of people see things one way only, allowing themselves to look like ignorant fools. Hypocrites on accident, or on purpose, depending on the person. People need to learn how to fact check on their own. To not just take what everyone else says, no matter who it is, as truth. We all have a brain for a reason! Our brain is so amazing and I know I sound like such a nerd but it's true. We have it to absorb time, words, sounds, taste, feelings and LIFE itself! It's what reminds me to love life and to pay attention to my actions and words. I am working on being an example to others by not gossiping about others because I find it as a way to replace what could be a good conversation with fillers. Gossip is like empty calories for our brain. It distracts us from what is really important. Life! YOU! Do what YOU want to do, but at the same time remember your values and principle. Find out who YOU are. Gosh, I want more of these people. People who get excited about life, the possibilities out there, the universe! I feel like such a nerd but I love who I am and I love my Country. I love my boys and I love my man. I love my God. I love not following any religion and doing what i believe to be the right thing. I love to decide on my own how I will live my life. I want more people to experience this and not feel that they must work at their 9-5 job for the rest of their lives. I want them to be doing what they LOVE to do, because it is what makes this Country so great and happy! Awake, and near the truth, with principles and values in their hands.
I know all of this is random and messy. My mind was thinking so many things at once while I was writing this. This isn't even half of what I thought. It was only what I could keep up with.
I will stop now and write more in my real journal.