Jun 04, 2009 08:55
Please join PETA campaigner Amanda Fortino for the very first demonstration against McDonald's in Los Angeles! This is part of PETA’s campaign to urge the company to stop breaking birds' wings and legs, scalding them to death in defeathering tanks, and abusing them in other heinous ways and to instead switch to a process called "controlled-atmosphere killing," or CAK.
Volunteers are needed to hold signs and pass out leaflets, all of which will be provided, you need only bring yourself! Please contact me at CassandraC@peta.org with any questions or to RSVP. When RSVPing, please mention which demonstration it is you plan to attend.
What: McDonald's Demo
When: Saturday, June 6th, 1- 2 p.m.
Where: McDonald's, 6776 Hollywood Blvd., Los Angeles
Amanda would also like to invite you to lunch afterwards:
When: Immediately after the demonstration
Where: Vegan Glory, 8393 Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles (at Orlando, near Beverly Center)
As the largest seller of chicken meat in the U.S., McDonald's has the responsibility - and the ability - to reduce this abuse by demanding that its U.S. suppliers use a less cruel method of slaughter. Please crosspost this e-mail message and forward it to others who might be interested. For more information about our campaign and to learn what you can do to help, visit McCruelty.com.
Thanks for all that you do to help animals!
For all animals,
Cassandra Callaghan, Assistant Activist Liaison
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals