you guys are awesome♥! lol even if i'm such a bad updater, i'm surprised. thanks for sticking with me. i decided to be nice since it's summer and all and i haven't started on a new batch at all...
✖ 15 is the limit (sorry!)
✖ HQ/MQ images only. if i'm unable to work with the image then i most likely won't.
✖ follow the form please!
✖ can reserve~~
✖ flist has unlimited request and can request even if it's over 15 ('cause i love you guys♥)
✖ all requests are shareable :) (sharing is caring 8D!)
✖ i won't color manga 'cause i fail lol.
✖ thanks again!
Images:Fandom:Text:Other: p.s. peachglow also has a new layout! FINALLY YAY :D