Easter weekend (plus a small rant)

Mar 25, 2008 17:46

Easter weekend was actually pretty cool this year. Mom's friend from upstate came down to stay with us for the weekend and we just went nuts. XD Saturday morning, mom handed me the Time Out NY magazine to look for things to go see, and I found an article about a huge pillow fight that was going to happen in Union Square FOR THE HECK OF IT.  So we packed up some pillows, didn't tell our friend where we were going and set out.

When we got there, it was crazy! There were all kinds of people with pillows ranging from normal to bizarre. I saw a Pikachu, a trout, and some pillows with obsecne writing on them among other things. Not to mention what the people were wearing...chicken and bunny suits, pajamas, and one guy dressed as Robert the Bruce from Braveheart. WTF? When our friend found out what was happening, she looked at us like we were insane. XD Then the countdown started, the whistle blew, and it was EPIC! We were swinging blindly at anyone with a pillow and getting knocked about in the mass of people, and then a bunch of feathers bursted into the air. We had to stop at that point cause she was allergic, but we couldn't stop laughing. We were covered in tiny feathers! They were in our coats, our hair, my braces...I even think I swallowed a couple. Afterwards, we wandered around the area to see Forbidden Planet, the Halloween store, and then got a bite at the Silver Spurs.

We also hit up the Virgin records and picked up some nice things. I got the Avenue Q soundtrack, and mom found Doomed Megalopolis and immediately picked it up to go pay. The look on my face had to be priceless, I had no idea she had seen it before and when I went to tell her about how insane I heard it was, she said it was heavy stuff and that I wouldn't like it. I just about died! Guess we'll break out the popcorn and watch it together. XD

Sunday was more of a chill day for me since I was still tired from the day before, so I stayed home and the dynamic duo went out for brunch. I ended up playing with my cousin a little, talking to Dad on the phone and watching some Akagi before they came back. Good times! =D

Now, the rant. Exactly what is with all these remakes of asian horror films!? Talk about jumping the shark! They just keep coming too. I wouldn't be so ticked off if they were good, but they don't even come close to the originals. The originals had a deeper sense of suspense and made you contstantly think about what you saw or thought you saw. The only good remakes I saw were The Ring, and The Grudge. The Grudge 2 and Dark Water disappointed me, and The Eye, One Missed Call, and Shutter I haven't seen yet so I'll hold judgement on those. Perhaps I'm expecting a bit too much, but I really think they should just leave these things alone. =/

rant, easter, irl

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