Gearing up for the weekend!

Oct 28, 2009 18:50

'Sup guys! I'm back and kicking after the week of utter fail, finally feeling like myself and ready for some Halloween awesomeness! I figured I should wrap things up and relate to you the epic tale of Monday's crappiness, but I'm sure you all are sick of me talking about my teeth so I'll just leave it under a cut for those who care. ^__^

So the appointment with the surgeon was at 9 in the morning and we were running late, which meant no breakfast for me. I just grabbed a mini muffin on my way out of the hotel and we booked it to his office. After waiting for about 20 min, I went in and he said everything was looking great, save for the gum tissue in by the back teeth had grown back AGAIN. They removed it to help me keep the back teeth clean, and in the space of a WEEK it came back! Just because the teeth are where they are, there's really nothing they can do about it growing like that so they're not doing anything more with that.

Anyway, after that appointment was over, it was off to the orthodontist. Everything was doing well, until he clipped the stitch holding up the little chain the surgeon had attached to the tooth on the bottom left front that they had uncovered. The gum was still swollen, and the chain had RETRACTED INTO THE GUM, so he couldn't find it to put the wire through and attach it to the braces! It's not like he would've known it would do that, but still...I was pissed! So guess where I had to go? Right back to the surgeon, to have him find and re-tie the chain! After giving me the novacaine (which always hurts like hell to me) I had to wait for 10-15 min for it to take effect and then they dug in ti find it. Of course, the had to put in fresh stitches which still hurt even with the numbing down, but everything was reset so fine. I thanked them with a bunch of gauze in my mouth and went on my way. The only thing nice about that visit, was one of the nurses had a headband on with little springy pumpkins on it, and that made me laugh a bit while waiting.

Finally, we were done with all that crap and on our way out, but I was supposed to have lunch with dad which was effectively ruined as I couldn't eat, much less talk clearly. We still went to Applebee's while mom ran some errands, and it was nice to chat, garbled as my speech was. Turns out he didn't really eat breakfast either since we were supposed to be lunching, so he got something there. Afterward, we went to the Payless shoe store and he got me a new pair of sneakers which was really sweet. Last thing was picking up some things at the Wal-Mart and then we drove back down to the city. Supposed to go back in 3 weeks to have the braces adjusted properly as the gum should be fine then, and we can get this show on the road. So ends the tale of EPIC FAIL, my friends.

Now that that's finished, Halloween! I need to go out tomorrow and hunt for a black suit jacket for mom so we can go as the Blues Brothers. I'm going to track down a fake harmonica and make a sign that says "We're on a mission from God.' and see how many people get it. Should be good times, as the forecast has changed from rainy to dry and cool, and the suits will keep us warm. Might check out the parade this year, if not, we may hit up Sushi Samba and have some dinner and then hop around the city and see what's up. Can't wait, man! X3

happy, fyeah, around the city, i'm a dork, fail, wtf?, halloween, irl

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