Aug 21, 2008 09:45

Okay, these little quibbles of mine are nothing compared to other people's problems in the grander scheme of things, but lately things have been adding up and driving me nuts. -__-

- We had another car crash on the corner, reinforcing the fact that we need a stoplight here. Why can't people comprehend the meaning of the word stop around this place?

- I've gotten a series of bug bites out of nowhere, and they're all itching at the same time. Hydrocortizone has so far, been ineffective. If you could hear my thoughts, you'd hear strings upon strings of silent curses.

- Our neighbors across the street have the horrible habit of blaring music from early morning to early evening in the summer. Yesterday, I was treated to a lovely marathon of gospel music. If this repeats itself again, I will be going across the street and going ghetto on them as I've had quite enough.

- Our friend that's staying with us, well, her dogs that I watch during the day are a ball of chaos on a massive scale. The older of the two is reasonably sane, and the little pup is f'ing insane! Together, they are a force of destruction and making sure they don't kill themselves and ruin everything is taking it's toll.

I'm not a morning person and when I can, I like to sleep in but that's pretty much impossible with them playing doggy Nascar and scaring the crap out of my dog first thing in the morning. Now, the little one has made the huge mistake of clawing up the carpet by the doorframe to the point where you can see the wood foundation. He did it while she and mom were having a chat, so it wen't unnoticed until after mom left for work. She hasn't seen it yet, but when she comes home today...I believe that will be the last straw, and the end of their staying here. A tiny part of me will be sad to see her give them up, but the rest of me wants them out. NOW!!!

Just so this post is not all ranting no one cares about, I'll stick this meme in. A little bandwagoning is good now and then.

Give me a fandom and I'll fill out the following shipping-related questions for it:

One True Pairing Ship:
Canon Ship:
"If this happens I'll stab my eyes out with a spork" Ship:
"You are one sick bastard" Ship:
"I dabble a little" Ship:
"It's like a car crash" Ship:
"Tickles my fancy but not sold just yet" Ship:
"Makes no canon sense but why the Hell not" Ship:
"Everyone else loves it but I just don't feel it" Ship:
"When all is said and done" Ship:

If I don't know much about a certain fandom, I'll just BS it. =P

meme, wryyyy, irl

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