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May 31, 2005 18:15

  • k so this is gonna BE A LOONNNG UPDATE.. haha i decieded to use these bullet things..

 *JeaNeR weInER2- i so fricken miss you... your so raw.. WE ARE IN NEED OF "hANGOUTZATION".. lol can you tell that i made that word up... lol  LOVE YOU

*JOhNnY- too bad you only go camping on momorial day weekend.. i HAD FuN we need to hang out soon.. your RAWWWW.. and VErY HOtt.. CALL mE up BOI... love you.. haha i like where we went to get wood.. that was cute..

*KriStiN.JO- we are in need of hanging out.. I loVE you GIrl.. "the moment i wake up i reach for my smiley face cup" haha so on.. lol call me..

*NichOlas- WE NEED TO HANG OUT.. loVe you BOy! "who doesnt throw a pencil across the hall" and "who only kinda wants to hang out haha.."

*MoNicA- i miss you.. so does bean.. Move back to oakridge BeOtch.. lol LOve you.. we need to hang out and talk more.. i bemember when we used to be the bestest of friends.. it brings tears to my eyes.. :(

*Nic C- your raw.. and that snake in your closet "elford" is pretty atractive id have to admit lmao.. and your sisters barbies.. haha had fun loveyou.. "my hott sause isnt even as close as hott as you" ah ha

*ka-ka KIt KAt- i loVe you COusin.. we need to hang out some more.. i love you and so doesn bean DOnt you ever forget that babe.. I MISS YOU..

*mOe- HAd Fun WIth you On memorial.. your raw as FuC*.. haha and hott.. love you..

*Becca rae- hey beauts.. WE NEED TO HANG OUT.. love you

*chad- your raw... like one of the coolest guys.. LOve you Boy

*ktb- your pretty raw.. we need to hang out tho.. for rel.. and i hope the best for you.. love you

*Kyle s- We Need to HAng out Fer reL dUde... <3<3

*taytay- happy early birthday.. dang when we ever gonna hook up.. i want you.. haha.. call me tho.. i love you bay bee!

*ashley o- i  miss you chick.. when we ever gonna meet luke thomas.. by the way you were the hottest girl i ever met on apple.. how are you and qarnelious (sp) doing.. haha.. he had a star on his pic.. i miss you.. AND YOU JUST hAD TO MOve On ME LOL love you bAbe..

*JeaNnaMAriE- IM GONNA MISS you when you move.. i love you..you sexy beast you.. lol.. we were just starting to get to be rly close friends.. then your gonna move on me.. tear lOve you HuNN..

whoever i forgot.. im sure i love you too.. im just going brain dead..


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