May 02, 2005 23:21
had extreme fun fun fun!!
went to legends for the show...Sparks the Rescue played tonight
and the show was all out awesome including the other two bands that played before them
and i was with Dana, Kaileb, Kaitlin, Macie, Cameron, and Danica...we all were hanging out and after the show i went to go buy a demo and paid for mine and then two of the guys of STR just decided to give them away for free to all of us instead..and since i paid for mine..Ben (member of STR) gave me his email so i can email him and then i get a discount on their CD when it gets released which is totally kool and what not
and i deffinately had fun hanging out with everyone =) me and macie made this kick ass dance together..and it was right on Q for one of the songs played!! which was just all out awesome haha..
cameron and kaitlin are going out =) which is kewl..they were deffinately one open couple tonight lmao...(dont ask, you dont want to know)
but thats all for tonight
oh wait, and i got grounded tonight also >.< for only three days which is aight i suppose...blah either way lol