Jul 16, 2005 15:08
Omg I am really pissed off right now because I am not having the best hair day....damnit....bumps are sticking up in certain places...and Oh it just makes me feel even better that its gonna be raining all day today...now my hair not only will be bumpy but also frizzy and wavy...Oh I am so happy...NOT...lol...yesterday was a stressful day!!! I got home at like 12:30am and then I took a shower and ended up going to bed about 3:30am...and then I woke up at 1:00pm...omg the storm that was going on this morning was so awsome..I loved it..I love sleeping when it pours and thunders and lightenings...it is so peaceful..lol and then my radio talked to me..lol..because I guess the power went out for a little while so my radio said that I had to reset it..lol...dont think Im weird it seriously said that..I wasnt dreaming..lol...it kinda scard me because it was a mans deep voice so I was like what the hell is someone in my room...duh what a dumb ass...lol...well what do you expect I was sleeping and then that radio waked me up so I didnt no what was going on until I actually thought about it....lol...I have a very fun summer ahead of me..its gonna be awsome...I have a graduation party to go to..my cousin Maegens...hopefully Ill be allowed to have atleast one drink...if my parents let me...come on a Mikes Hard Lemonade wont hurt me..lol...it wil be fun though..and then other stuff...omg it was so cute my Granny is living at my Aunts and Uncles house now and my Aunt Michelle tought her how to shake her ass...lol so shes showin us yesterday..lol...it was so cute...shes like 95....and she is so healthy shes more healthier than her kids and there like in there 70's...and my Granny is 100% italian so she can speak in italian so every now and then she'l say something in italian and I have no idea what she is saying..her and my uncle will conversate back and forth in italian...lol..its funny.....I think me and my mom might go back over there because I promised my cousin Sydnee that Id spend the night tonight..I was supposed to stay lastnight but I didnt..so she was kinda sad about that but I told her Id spend the night tonight and take her for a bike ride..her and Julianna...but it doesnt look like were goin for no bike ride in this weather..Id be damned to walk when it is raining and stuff...oh no theres no chance Im gonna be struck by lightning..lol...so Ill prolly take her tomarrow unless something else comes up...yepp so I might start clothes shopping for school Wednesday..fun fun..lol I bet you any money that Ill end up wearing atleast some of my new clothes during the summer..lol just like I did last year...