The Fighter

May 29, 2007 14:34

I am beginning to see that there are two choices one can make in life: one is to be a slave, the other, a fighter. There really is no in between. You either choose to give in to your carnal desires, your obsessions, your fears, or your addictions, bound by something so much less than what you could be, or you choose to fight every day of your life against them for a cause far superior to such petty things. It seems like such a super hero concept, but maybe it's the other way around. Maybe we create super heroes to symbolise the ideal, what we should be if we weren't so darn afraid of failing. The truth is, however, that we fail every day we don't fight. We fail ourselves, we cut ourselves short of our potential, it's such a sad thing but it's so true. I see it everyday in my life alone. I fall so easily, even though, I am the only thing standing in my way. Just imagine how much better we would be if we were, just for a minute, without an ounce of doubt. If we were to live with love and truth being the only thing that drives us. Two simple things, yet so hard to achieve. I am deciding lately, that i'd rather be a fighter. I'd rather fight and fail a thousand times than go on in my life being bound to doubt and desire. I don't want to live this existence of knowing I can be so much more, and not even trying to be that way. I'm tired of holding myself back, I want to be free and I will fight. I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks anymore, i'm doing what I think is right, and if you support me, that's cool, if you don't, whatev. I don't need assurance that i'm good, I know I am. This summer, I begin my fight, against myself, against judgement, and most of all, against doubt.

I give my love to everyone,
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