My week:

Jan 01, 2006 23:26

This week has been crazy. First, there was Christmas. Then, Carol and Candelight. Then, i got to spend time with some of my most awesome friends at MGM (thanks for the great time, guys :)). Then there was random shopping and hanging out with the boyfriend, as well as a random visit from some people i havn't seen in a long while (good to see you guys, hope you had a great birthday Manda :)). Then came yesterday: New Year's Eve. The day started out like any other day, woke up at noon by the random clammer and noise made by the subtle bickering parents of and barking of our miniature animals posing as dogs. Oh how i miss the sounds, my dorm hardly makes anything as inviting, it's just a bunch of loud girls, which is in no way pleasant. It always seems that no matter how annoying the sound is, if it comes from home, it's heavenly. Anyways, on with my story...So, i packed my things, briefly went shopping in Viera with my parents and headed for South Florida to spend New Years with Ty. Arefin, Ty, and I had a great time playing pool (which i found out i suck miserably at) and such then went back home and played with fireworks. We were outside lighting fireworks when, all of the sudden, we see a huge explosion in the sky. Tytus' neighbors had scored some illegal mortyrs and were lighting them off in the middle of the street, safetly placed right next to the power lines(smart). So i observed them act like a bunch of crazy jackasses lighting mortyrs off in the middle of the street and in the sewer. Ah, boys... We stayed there for a while until two of the boys thought it was a great idea to launch a bottle rocket horizontally in the street. Yeah, it pretty much went into someone's house and Tytus and I decided that that was a great time for us to make our exit. We went back and watch the ball drop on the new year and i, for the first time in my life, had someone to kiss to bring in the new year, followed by a hug from Tytus' crazy hippie mom. Today, was great as well, except for the whole me pulling a stupid and tripping over my own freaking foot and spraining it...Which brings me to now, as i'm cozy in my chair with my gimp foot propped up, eating Hopping John, and reflecting on all of the rockin' people that help to compose my life.

Quotes from this weekend:

From neighbor's less than sober mom after seing the remains of her once clean driveway now littered with firework rubble: "my house looks like fucking Iraq"

Me: my wrist fucking hurts
Ty: wrists can fuck?
Me: what the hell? no...
Ty: wrist fucking! ahh!! *does wrist fucking action*

Arefin: I wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself.

Me: why do i have to get the crappy teradactyl????
Ty and I: it's morphin' time!

Yeah, i know, i'm stupid. Anyways, i'm thankful for this year, although it's had its ups and downs, all in all, i've learned a lot. I'm thankful for all of you, i love you all and am so glad that i have you. Thank you for being a part of who I am. I love you all.

PS: i know i promised a "photo adventure" post, but there's far too many pictures i have taken, so, instead, i will just give you all the link to my photobucket, if you ever get so bored as to look: There you go.

Happy New Year everyone,
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