yes. iM bored

Jun 29, 2005 14:41

Tall or Short:         doesn't Matter. Both are fine
Fat or Thin:        iN between
Muscular or No Muscles:     MusculaR
Hair Color:       nO preference
Hair Style:        anything if it's cute
Smart, Average or Stupid:     Average
Sexy or Cute:      Cute
Gentle or Rough:         GentLe
Touchy Feely or Keeps Distance:         hMm in Between
Calm or Wild:       wiLd
Good Boy or Bad Boy:     Good
Describe the perfect guy:    uMm. Nice. Smart. fuNny. Easy to talk to. does Cute little things
Describe your perfect date:   just being together is fine.

Name everyone you have ever dated:     uMm.. Brett.  Mike.  Anthony.  Bryan.  Brad.             Who were you with the longest:     Anthony
How long:   Like 7 Months if you put it all together
Who were you with the shortest:   Bryan
How short:    Less than a day
Reason for break up with all of these guys:   Didnt work out
Who was the hottest:   They were all pretty hot
Who was the stupidest:    Mike
Who was the meanest:     Anthony
How far did you get with each guy:   Not very far.
Who was the last boyfriend you had:   Brad
Who was your first crush:   uMm some guy when i was like 5?
Who was your biggest crush:   uMm  Matt in like 6th grade
Who did you like but they didn't like you:   canT remember i think  some guy in like 3rd grade

Held Hands:    yeSs
Hugged:     yep
Kissed:    on the Cheek. if that counts
Frenched:  nO
Made out:    No
Had Sex:   uH no
Been Abused:   i Dont think So
Done any of the above with yourself:   wow.. whata Dumb question

Have you ever been cheated on:   yEa
Details:   Mike n Ashley.
Have you ever cheated on someone:  No
Details:  there arE none
Have you ever thought of being a lesbian:  No?
Are you one? nOo
Are you bi?   nOpee
Are you lonely? noo
Do you ever dwell over guys that you don't like anymore?  Dwell? whats that
Do you have an STD?  No
Do you have a reputation?   No
Did you ever have a song with anyone?  Yes
Who and what was the song?   LoL Andrew   . I swear
Have you ever stolen anyone's boyfriend?   i Dont think so
Have you ever had a boyfriend stolen from you?    yeSs
Have you ever had a friend who liked the same guy as you?  yEaa
Who got him?   i dont think either one of us
Was either of you angry about the decision?   i donno? probably
Is your love life so utterly boring and unfulfilled that you think you are going insane?  No
Do you have bad luck with guys:   At times. not really though
Do you get jealous easily:    Not really
Who are you in the "friend zone" with that you want to get out of it:  uMm i have a boyfriend
Do you want to get out of the "friend zone" to date them or just because you hate them:  nOne
Are you goody goody or naughty naughty:  GooDy gooDy
Love or lust and why:  whats the difference?
Have you ever had your heart broken to the point of break down?   Yes. i think
Are you desperate:  No
Do you want to get married:   yes
Do you want to have kids:   Yess
Where do you want to get married:  uMm Carribeans?
Will you write your own vows:   Maybee

5 Senses Survey

[ what color are your eyes? ]:   bLuee
[ do you wear glasses/contacts? ]:   Contacts
[ describe something beautiful to you ]:   My friends
[ someone you know who has beautiful eyes ]:   Simon
[ first physical aspect you notice on the opposite sex: be honest! ]:   Smile :-)
[ if you could see anyone or anything right now, who/what would it be? ]:  ryAn because im leaving in 3 days and i wont get to see him :-(

[ do you like your nose? ]:   itS fine. ii cant complain
[ what does your hair smell like? ]:   uMm Shampoo?
[ what is your favorite scent from everyday life? ]:   Fresh Cupcakes
[ if you use perfume/cologne, what kind? ]:   Abercrombie anD  Tommy H.
[ who do you know that smells the best? ]:   Doug!!

[ what kind of music do you like to listen to? ]:   All kinds
[ name a song that is special at this moment in time ]:  Be my Escape ;-)
[ are you a good singer? ]:   Ha. No
[ do you play an instrument? ]: uMmm nopee
[ which spoken language sounds the best? ]:   FrenChh
[ favorite everyday life sound? ]:  My Cell Fone riNger
[ least favorite everyday life sound? ]:  The house fone ringing
[ of the people you know, who has the best-sounding voice? ]:  uMm Rachel Tunesii

[ favorite food? ]:   Cake!
[ favorite drink? ]:   uMm sherly Templee
[ do you have a tongue/lip piercing? ]:   No
[ what are your thoughts on coffee? ]:    ew. grose
[ the worst taste you have ever encountered? ]:   this cheese i one had on a plane
[ would you eat something disgusting for money? ]:  Depends how muCh

[ do you consider yourself touch-sensitive?]:  Not really
[ do you like people touching you?]:   Depends where
[ are you ticklish and if so, where? ]:  Yes very. Stomach
[ which are better: hugs or kisses? ]:  Both are nice
[ who was the last person you touched? ]:  My dog?
[ who do you wish you could reach out and touch right now? ]:   uMm Johnny Depp :-P
[ favorite material to touch? ]:   My blanket

Alriqht iM doNe

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LeaVe me Three qOod Memories we Have together :-)

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