Mar 27, 2005 16:13
HaPPy EaSterr!! Ahh Yes.. itS finaLLy eaSter.. Normally iiD Be at my Dads riqht Now.. but sinCe i was Sick my mOm didnt waNt me tO qo.. So im home this yeaR.. weLL yesturday was Pretty un-eventful.. woKe up, weNt to Church, aTe food.. anD sat arouNd.. then At niqht we waTched Taxi and Boat triP.. Omq thaT was a ReaLLy FuNny moVie..Then we StarTed waTChinq a thiRd One.. But it seeMed Gay So we juSt endEd up Goinq 2 sLeep.. tHen this morninq ii woKe up at like 10:30? we Had BreaKfeast.. then ii qot Ready and weNt to ChurCh.. it was Pretty fuN ii saW toMmy ( Butter ) So theN we CaMe bAck hOme.. anD now we're juSt ChiLLin..Of Course theres aLotta Food.. but ii CaNt even LooK at thAT nemore.. iM proLLy GonNa qo WatCh another moVie sinCe theres ReaLLy not AloT yOoh caN do.. toMmarow ii think im qoiNq to The moVies? stiLL not 100% SuRe though.. my Moms takinq Me to thE mAll thiS week BecaUse yea ii deCided ii NeeDed more CloThes n StuFf.. AhH ii Cant waiT tiLL tomMarow itS siMinGus DinGuss!! ii qUess uNless uR poliSh you wont Kno whaT that iS.. So Let mE explain wHatA fuN day yoUr aLL miSsinq Out on.. oKaii MarCh 28, the Day afTer EasTer.. itS Like thiS day in PolaNd.. you Have to Get everyOne Wet.. anD everyOne Dumps Like BuCkets Of waTer on eaCh Other.. Like iF ur waLkinq on the Street RanDom Ppl Can Come up to Yooh aNd get yoOh soAked.. its SeriouCly the Funnest thinq EveEr!! nD tomMarow ii hAve to Try to Get evEryone in mY houSe.. sinCe ii Kno they're aLL planninq Sumthinq tOo :-P Omq ryAn ( from Carter) Has a penguin..whiCh he Named Paulina.. Lmfao that kid makes me laugh.. so now he lost his penguin and he was looking for it.. but ii guess he found it.. it was in Florida.. lol weLL the other Day ii was Lookinq throuGh my Photo AlbuM.. anD it brouGht baCk aLot of MemoRies.. itS sad.. How so maNy ppl haVe changed.. Some moVed.. Some ii haVent seen in yearS :-\ But thEn there were Those who Are stiLL here anD we still Have the beSt oF times.. aNd maNy more to Come! hMm im pretty Sure im Gonna Do traCk this year.. Not Like ii aCtuaLly Can run.. lOl im ReaLly slow aT runninq So im noT doinq it to wiN or Anything Like thaT.. even thouGh Of Course im Gonna Try My beSt.. moStly im Doing it to Get in ShaPe.. anD to Have Somethinq Better toDo aFter schOoL thAn Come Home anD qO onLine.. Ahh i juSt reaLized ii hAve to Do my Book Report For Fam.. i DidNt even Start.. oH weLL.. anD then thAt stupiD JournaL for AdaMs.. thaTs Pointless Since She caNt reaLLy teLL if we Write in it eVeryday Or we juSt maKe it aLL up twO DayS be4 ITs Due.. weLL tHats pretty muCh whatS been On my Mind.. So im qOnna qO watCh a Movie Or SomeThinq.. OnCe aqain HaPPy eaSter eVeryOne!!
MwaHh-- Xo0`
LoVe yOoh ..x3