Feb 15, 2005 15:57
hey everybody? well today it didn't rain! YAY! u kno cuz if it didn't rain that means that bibi and molly would have to play their favorite sport volleyball.. JK! guys sorry i wasn't there so we could "PRACTICE" hitting the "BALL"
yea so today i was not in the mood of going to schoooll... hell... i'm nvr in the mood of going to school....anywayz...i can't explain it! oh god.
WELLL YESTERDAY WAS VALENTINES DAY... well it was interesting. if you wanna know ask me why.
MONDAY WE HAVE THE DAY OFF!!! MALL ANYBODY! yea i invited some hott guys so yea its gonna be off the hook.
WOW TODAY SUCKED COCK! i was so bored
yea well that's all that new.
comment bitches! jk i love you guys!