
Oct 30, 2003 16:22

well..today was fun...lunch was fun as usual..and once again i got yelled at in learning center for talkin to andrew..ya..then yeah..school was fun..then i went to bed at 1 cuz i was listenin to music..and i was writing down random lyrics..it was fun..but my dad made me go to bed at 11..but i didnt cuz im a rebel..then i didnt get up till 6:45 and my mom was like ok well sarah we are leaving in 10mins and i was like how am i suppose to take a shower in 10 mins and get ready..well i did..cuz im amazing like that..then i was tardy meeting shannon..but i saw her on the way..so i made her and kris go to my locker with me then we went to our corner..and it was fun..then after 4periods i got my lunch..and that was fun..me and jake had a good nice talk.. he is soooo funny..then school..and art..i stole clay..and me and shannon passed her brother..and she was like jared take off ur hood u look like a hoodlum..and he was like thats cuz i am one..it was really funny..u had to be there..then i was all hyper cuz shannon does that to u..then yeah global....then home..to be hit from my brother because i wouldnt type my e-mail password infront of him..so my mom yelled at him..like that did anything..then yeah..im sooo happy cuz sunday is my brothers game..and if we win..we won finals..then we get to go to states..and play one of the webster teams..since there is no more AAA teams left..so yeah..i can finally prove to brandon that we got the better football team...adn i wore my all american reject shirt today..and sum other girl had it on..and it pissed me off..cuz it did..cuz this is my shirt..and im inlove with it..so yeah..tomorrow i think im goin to wear my black pants my slippers(for the second week in a row) and sum random shirt..i will have to check it out..then TOMORROW IS HALLOWEEN..yay..even tho i cant do anything cuz my parents are assholes..i get to hand out the candy to little kids..yay..and alan said he would visit me..idk if that is happening..and im goin to tell shannon to visit me..and it will be fun...man y the hell was i in such a good mood today..idk..it is weird..wow
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