Oct 15, 2003 22:21
+1+what things or person would you sacrifice everything for? katie
+2+do you think you can be in love more than once? yes
+3+Top 5 best friends are….. well this is a tuff one considering i only got like 3..and they are katie tim and josh
+4+Who you couldn’t live without.. katie
+5+What you couldn’t live without.. well katie's amazingness and her awesomeness and her everything ness..and josh's stuff
Love: (if you have a boyfriend or Girlfriend if you don’t then skip)
+6+Do you have a boyfriend/Girlfriend? yeah
+7+If so what is his/her name? katie..josh
+8+Whats the best qulities of this person? well..now..katies list can keep goin and goin and goin but i will make it quick..katie...she is funny, and amazing and rocks the world and is super smart..well to me she is..and josh..he is cool..and punk..hehe..no..kidding..and he is sexy and amazing
+9+If you had to pick someone to marry who would it be? uh.. katie
+10+Lyrics that express how you feel about them:Ilet go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one..for katie and josh
+11+Do you truly love them? yeah
+12+Best physical qualities: katie..everything...josh everything
+13+How long do you think this fling will last: well i hope it isnt just a frickin fling
+14+Or is it not a fling: nopers
+15+Number of Boyfriends/Girlfriends you have had: idk...not a lot...3 that i actually count?
+16+Of them how many did you kiss? 2
+17+Number of people you kissed that wasn’t your boyfriend/girlfriend? 1
+18+Have you ever cheated on someone? nope
+19+Been cheated on? no...lets keep it like that
+20+Last Kiss: josh
+21+Last Good cry: couple days ago
+22+Last Hug: um.. josh..or katie
+23+Last Phone call: a person who was selling shit
+24+Last Cd played: all american rejects
+25+Last Time you were in love: mi perro
+26+Last Show attended: like 4th grd..and sum hip hop boy group..im too young to go to concerts..but me and katie are goin to try to go on halloween
+27+Last Person talked to: katie
+28+Last Person you said I love you to: katie
+29+Last Person that said I love you to you: me
+30+Last Person you hurt: mi madre
+31+Last Person that hurt you: ....
+32+Next person you hug will probably be:katie..most likley
+33+Next person you kiss will probably be:prob josh
+34+Next person you see will probably be: katie
+35+Next person you say I love you to will be:katie
+36+Cutest? katie
+37+Sexiest? josh
+38+Funniest? katie
+39+Prettiest? katie
+40+Most serious? hilary
+41+Least serious? katie
+42+Smartest? hilary
+43+Best taste in music? katie...alan...josh
+44+Who is most like you? katie..cuz we have been friends since like 3rd grd..so we "rub off" on each other
+45+Who is least like you? Why? umm..hilary...she wont take a wild side..well she might..just not with me yet
+46+Of these people who would you like to spend every second of the day with: katie..then josh
+47+Your name:sarah
+48+Birthday: june 8th
+49+Name of parents: marcia and peter
+50+Color of eyes: brown
+51+Favorite movie: umm...
+52+Favorite band: all american rejects
+53+Favorite rapper: um..me
+54+Have you ever smoked? no..only second hand
+55+Weed? nopers
+56+ what do you sleep in? pj's
+57+ Favorite person to talk to on-line? katie...she always makes me laugh
+58+ tooth brush color? green
+59+ how long does it take you to brush your teeth? like 1 min
+60+ College you want to go to? anywhere..im thinking of university o albany
+61+ Ever been in love? not that i recall
+62+ Favorite person to talk to on the phone? katie.
+63+ what time do you normally go to bed? depends
+64+ in the car, AC or open windows? none really
+65+ What is your dream car?..eclipse
+66+ What is under your bed? slippers?
+67+ Number of friends on you buddy list? 124
+68+ how many of those people do you acually talk to? lets see...josh..josh..katie..brandon..4
+69+ hows school? now im only failing bio!!
+70+ Religion? the c word
+71+ what makes you happy? katie..josh
+72+ what makes you jealous? ..katie knows that one..and only her
+73+ what makes you angry? usually parents
+74+ what makes you sad? alot of things
+75+ your so sexy!! Don’t you agree? giggles..y yes yes i do agree