Jul 02, 2005 15:03
depending on how quick my brother gets dressed for me to drive him to the salon, ill update as much as i can.
first and foremost (the most important at the time being)-- my job search. IT SUCKS. my whole plan was to have a job right now and that went down the shitter. i feel absolutely worthless. ive got this excel document that i use to keep track of places that i applied to. its at 85 now. 85 fucking places and ive had 8 interviews...'im sorry paris, but we chose a more experienced applicant'. fuck you too. really. here i am TRYING TO GET EXPERIENCE and these motherfuckers wont even let me get a chance. i have TWO headhunters that i know looking out for me. the woman gets paid 8gs if she hooks me up and the dude gets 10gs straight off the bat. so i know they are out for blood. i remember one time, they must have had the same connection at this one company, and were both trying to sell me. lol. it was funny.
i feel like i did this internship for my fucking health or something. not to mention that it was an UNPAID internship and i figured that would look better on my resume. i was the only fucking weirdo that had an unpaid internship this past semester.
im thinking of waitressing for the time being at this restaurant down bowleys quarters. a friend of mine works there and makes pretty decent money. i dont even have a dollar to my name. most of my friends have been taking care of me but really, how much longer can this last?? i havent had a paying job since january, then i had the internship until the end of april. so technically ive been unemployed since then.
oooooooo and here is another something that had my blood boiling. i applied for this one position and i was DEFINITELY qualified for it and the salary was a little low but right now i could give two fucks about that...the woman called me back and said that i was overqualified. [rolls eyes] bitch. i just want the fucking job. so yea...im OVERqualified or UNDERqualified-- never in the middle.
hmm social life....i dont really 'do' much considering i dont have the monies, but my friends will occasionally treat me to the deal nights at the bars like the dollar beers, 2 dollar you-call-its, etc. i still play alot of cards...it makes me money when i have money to throw in. i chill with the 'old school' crowd...it seems like all the friends that i gained in college are out of the picture. i think most of the ones i chill w now are from high school and earlier with the exception of one, maybe two.
word to the wise -- never hook two friends up. sweet jesus no. you will always be in the middle and you will always be the third wheel. consequentially, im not friends with either now. FUCK THEM. forreal. thats kind of a long story also that i dont feel like getting into. my moms pretty happy though cuz she didnt like either of them. lol. well my mom doesnt like ANY of my friends except for maybe two. she says i need to find people 'on my wavelength'. HA! poor them if they are on my tip... ;]
im setting a goal for myself that whenever i pay off my debts after i get a job...im moving the fuck out. i know thats so bad especially if you dont have a lot saved. but right now me and my mom are about to pull each others hair out. its soooo time. im a 22 year old female that still lives with mommy. sometimes i have to lock myself in my room and meditate so i dont go punch her in the face. we are just SERIOUSLY colliding and its just not cool anymore. i feel like im 12 all over again. if it was the occasional fight i would just suck it up and deal with it...but this is EVERYDAY type shit. i cant even remember the last time we had a decent conversation. its just always that EVERYTHING is MY fault --- its my fault that i cant find a job, its my fault that i have no money, its my fault that my brother left his shoes in the living room, its my fault that im overweight, its my fault that im not with jason anymore, its my fault that someone busted my tires, its my fault that she cant do this, and blah fucking blah. people wonder why a sister needs meds ;]
ok...my brother is ready to go. ill be back later.