This documentary is frying my brain....

Feb 28, 2006 01:35

Ok, so I officially hate my project for directing the documentary. I think it will turn out alright (not "all right" like Buster, but actually ok), but it has become an editor's nightmare. Oh, and I'm the editor. Yeah, I get all of the footage at the last minute, AND now, our key interview has crappy unusable sound, which means it will have to be redone, which means I won't get THAT 'till the last minute either. The fine cut's due in 2 days, and the interview will be in that version, craptastic sound and all. I'll also be getting the narration last minute before the final cut (considering our director hasn't even FOUND a narrator yet). Not to mention that I'm editing it simultaneously with another short film for Advanced Postproduction, and both projects have the same due dates. So to sum up, nightmare.

Normally, in times like this, I would use the little glimmers of spare time I have (which is often just enough time to eat) to escape into my favorite shows or movies. Unfortunately, my favorite shows are either on hiatus (Veronica Mars) or possibly over for good (Arrested Development), and we're still in the graveyard months for movies, meaning nothing even remotely watchable is out. I HAVE NO THERAPY!!

Ok, not true, I have my Arrested Development DVD's, which only get better with each viewing (never has a show had such meticulous attention to detail. Genius!), further confirmation that it's the most brilliant show of all time. Oh, and I have, which is totally awesome. There's some fantastic stuff on there, like the trailer for "Brokeback to the Future",which is really only funny if you've seen the Brokeback Mountain trailer. There's also this nice AD Tribute Video. And This one, another Brokeback spoof. Hell they've even got full episodes up there, which I would take advantage of if I didn't already have them all in some form on DVD.
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