The whole week I waited for packages. The whole week I was at home in the mornings, alone, and not even one of my packages arrived. Now this morning three of them came.
The first was about 8:20 a.m.
I didn't know what was going on, but everytime a post-van comes our dog starts to bark. Then the doorbell rings she barks even more.
So our dog woke me and my mother up.
"Did you order something?", already with that tone like "don't order so much, don't buy anything, BLAH."
"Err, yeah.."
So I walked down the stairs, got my package, no extra-fee, so yay - and the only EMS-package I ordered in the last weeks.
"What is it?"
>>How should I describe Zori... damn...<< "Shoes..."
"Do you want me to move into the basement (we don't have...)?"
Everytime a package arrives for me, with my mother at home, I get some pretty nasty comments. No wonder I want all of my stuff to arrive NOT on the weekend. But OK, the only DHL-package for today, I thought nothing more would come.
My mother said she would be out for some hours now, so I had the morning for myself.
Now I opened the package and - wrong colour. I ordered red Zori, not purple. But I looked at the E-Mail from Rakuten and yep. There was the Kanji for purple.. I don't know if the translated Rakuten-Page mixed something up, but I'll never. ever. don't translate the order-details in the e-mail. To be honest - I'm a bit sad. I have enough purple Zori, this time I wanted something different, and they had pretty high heels and a nice colour - for a really great price.
Now sending back is a waste of money, shipping is the double from the item-price.. I just coloured the Hanao with pink Nail-Polish (the upper right side).
I guess I'll try to order the red ones next month. And after that blue and green - someday -if I find them for acceptable prices.
And then the lady with the regular Mail rang the bell - yatta, Mom's not at home, at least some more luck.
Two more packages from Eisaku and Japanese Antiques. And a waiting custom-fee, 14,23€. And you know how it is to pay this at your door. You don't have the money, you didn't know you would need it - at home. So I dug through my wallet - and the one with the extra money if needed. But when the mail-lady can't change I can't pay. But she was nice and said as I can't run away - haha - she'll come back on monday, because she didn't have extra space for the packages (all these stuff on a bike, geez) to take them back. So tomorrow I'll have to get some money - perhaps a bit more because 2 or 3 other packages form J-A should arrive next week. They were sent on the same day, but perhaps - customs. Fuck.
But now I have at least some of my orders here - and they are all beauties <3
And now a little extra I've got from Eisaku <3