kadmariposa tagged me with the following: 5 Tells that give away your romantic/lustful desires.
Easy, easy, easy.
#1: I say incredibly awkward and inappropriate things. For instance, going to a bookstore and being surprised that the object of my affection is working there. I say something like "What are you doing here?" which gets the response "I work here."
#2: I blush.
#3: I touch my ears, hair, clothes, etc. all the time, without noticing.
#4: I remember the stupidest details, even though my memory is shot to hell and I can barely remember a single thing on my "to - do" list without looking at it. For example, if someone mentioned once in conversation that their brother had the flu, I will find it's relevance weeks later in a conversation. (see point #1)
#5: I become their biggest fan, but in the jokiest way possible.
I tag: