Jul 12, 2012 12:25
Well Sarah and I spent a few days at the Jersey Shore with a friend who lives near there. It was a really nice suprise..people weren't like how they show on tv, all obnixous and rude. Some were but the majority of people were just normal. On the board walk we got our palms read for fun. I believe in psychics, especially becaus emy family and myself have psychic abilities but some people are fakes. Anyway the palm reader told us that we would be living together in our own house by the end of this year. I really hope that she's right. She told us some other stuff that applied to our lives but I liked that part the most.
Besides that I've just been thinking more and more about all the things I want to get but can't afford. It's weird because I NEVER want to buy anything, but now all of a sudden all these things are coming up. Mainly Disney tattoos, a car, and a place to live :).