Oct 14, 2012 12:47
Well, I am really second guessing being a teacher. Even more than I was before. I just have to see if I can handle the biology career. (My math skills are HORRIBLE). And when I say horrible I mean that right now I understand math at a middle school level. With biology I would have to take a ton of chemistry classes. So I want to see if I work hard enough and have enough tutoring if I will be able to know it. I know it will be one of the hardest and most frustrating things I will have done in my life so far, but I really think wildlife biology is a career that I would love. So next semester I'll still have early childhood ed as my major but I'll also have biology as a minor..I'm going to have to work my ass off like I've never done before. I hope I can do this!
In other news, family therapy is so hard. So, so hard. But its moving along. My parents are finally starting to realize the affect they have on us and my little brothers. I hope that it isn't too late for things to change. I don't want them to grow up the way I did. My step dad still makes up bullshit excuses in therapy for why things happen, but the therapist dosen't let him get away with it. I know that it's hard to change behaviors when you've been a certain way your whole life, but I feel like when it comes to family change should never be a question when their happiness is involved.
Also, we decided to save the Europe trip for another year. I know it was such a bargain because we would be going with my school, but we chose not to do this because they create a rigirous 11 day schedule for you. On the trip you get no free time and you have to go to all the places on their schedule in order to get credit. If I'm going to spend $4,500 on a trip then I want to be free when I'm doing it. So we decided to go to Canada instead, which is something we've wanted to do for awhile now. We are just going to make it into one giant road trip, spending some time in Ontario and some time in Quebec. We've all ready started saving and Sarah is trying to pick up a second job so that were able to have enough money. I'm really excited because this will be our first trip out of the country together when were by ourselves. Our families have taken us on lots of trips, and we love them and are thankful for it, but they can be sooo stressful. When its just her and I then everything is so relaxed and happy<3.
So far these are the huge things going on in my life right now. Besides Sarah's family issues which are even bigger than my own for once. I can't even tell you how many times we just want to move away because our families cause so much heartache and stress for us. But right now we are going to suck it up and focus on traveling because we don't want to lose our dreams like a lot of people do as they get older.