(no subject)

Aug 23, 2006 12:45

Today is my last day of the job that I truly hate. I figure I should probably document it. After all, the past two months of my life have been spent slaving away here from nine to five, dealing with screaming seven-year-olds and further convincing myself that it'll be a long long time before I ever consider having children. In a way, this job is an obscure form of birth control.

So the past few weeks have been hectic to say the least. Sure I've made time to hit Nantucket and party here and there just to get it out of my system, but I feel like I've been home and awake for a grand total of maybe a half an hour. Not that I mind too much, any time I am home, I readily employ the lock on my bedroom door to shut out the nagging that comes from my mother to do ridiculously trivial things. Now I'm just beginning to pack my life away and leave the dramatic monotony of here. I couldn't be more excited. Sure soon I'll be sharing a room that's half of the size of the one I have all to myself here, but I honestly cannot wait to have my own rules for everything.

I started this entry last Friday and here it is Wednesday already, that really tells you something about my ability to finish things, huh. But truthfully, I haven't really spent much time on here. Instead I've been soaking up the last few days with my friends on various occasions. Speaking of last friday, that's actually a good place to begin. After my very last day of the aforementioned job i truly hate, I packed up and headed for Lake George to get in some camping with a few friends. I ultimately arrive at the campsite at about 9:30 and hence, it's pitch dark. We check in and soon realize that the campsite we received was directly the opposite of what I requested with Reserve America, this ridiculous money scamming company many campgrounds use. We decided we really didn't care and we began to set up the tent, which proves to be massively difficult task, especially in the dark. About a half and hour and many eff words later, we got the tent set up, only to be congratulated with a round of applause from our neighboring campsites. Funny. We deicde to explore a bit and before we know it, we find ourselves at the beach. That beach gives dark new meaning. Absolutely no light whatsoever. Of course the night sky looks amazing that way but it'd be helpful to see where your'e going. A few boys sat a few feet away smoking pot and then rode off on their bicycles. I found that to be quite entertaining. Meanwhile I'm hit with a stroke of genius. There's no one around, it's a gorgeous night, the lake water is warm, why not liven it up a bit? Before we know it, we're clothes-less, splashing around in the belly-button deep water. We then noticed someone walking by, 2's company, 3's a party, let's ask him to join! So we shine our flashlight at him briefly and he comes walking over in the dark. "Hey, do I know you.." "Come talk to us" We yell, with promiscuity so thick you could cut it with a knife He shines the flashlight in our direction only to come to the realization that we are still without clothing. The look on his face was priceless. "I'm with a church group!!" He says. And this my friends, is why I'll see you in hell.

Je t'aime.
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