
May 14, 2006 22:09

Happy Mother's Day! Not that I think that applies to those of your who actually read this, not does it apply to me. Thankfully. :) I've been so lazy. It's actually disgusting... let's outline this a bit further, shall we?

I can't be on time to save my life: Probably my worst habbit with the possible exception of my slight caffein addiction. It's not that I don't want to be on time, it's just it's hard to break out of. I compare it to telling an alcoholic not to drink. It just doesn't work that way. The funny part is, it actually pisses people off. The school, my friends, and most of all, my mother. Personally, I don't see what the big deal is. I'm on time for the things that are imperative to be on time for and that are important to me. For example, tennis. I was typically early for tennis. I used to be on time for school, back when I valued high school. I'm on time for important events, wakes, funerals, weddings, baptisms, etc. But the thing is, who really cares if you're 10 minutes late for pizza with friends, or 5 minutes late cutting into movie previews. I hate being scheduled. I hate that structure. Consider how badly the cruise sucked. I'd rather plan my own life, not live by someone elses standards.

There's a good chance I got a 20% on my Calc final: Studying for that, and trying to be good at a lost cause is exhausting. Lately, day dreams are a good way to spend time and I have no trouble coming up with plenty of them. There are so many other places I'd rather be than where I am right now. I can't wait to interrupt this monotony. It's excruciating. We've got four months. Sure I'll miss things here and there. My smiling Golden Retriever, my best friend(s), my bed, eventually my parents and brother, and of course, the things I miss right now too.

I have something great to do every weekend from now until graduation!: This just continues the day dreaming thing. I can't stop thinking about everything I'm excited about; Memorial Day Weekend at the Lake etc (granted I learn to wash clothing between now and then), Prom (Not that I'm all that excited like I was last year), Graduation (!), And of course Maryland in the first week in July. The first real sip of freedom, it'll be tough not to get drunk off of that alone.

In summary, I guess I'm just tired of the same people, doing the same things, having the same arguments, and resisting anything new. I can't wait to start my life over and say "screw you" to everything less than stellar in this one. Things are definitely getting good, I'm sure I'll have fuel for my Pullitzer Prize Novel in training here.
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