Aug 06, 2007 16:35
That is the question.
As you must have figured out by now, I am angrily, hopelessly, manically obsessed with my hair and the varying states of fug from which it just can't seem to escape. Ever since The Cut of Which We Do Not Speak (fuck you, not-pregnant-anymore Chinatown lady, fuck you STILL), I've been trying desperately to grow my hair out, wistful of the days when my locks flowed long and thick and free. Unfortunately, my hair just seems to refuse to grow, and I swear, with my heart clenched in icy fear, that I have lost a good deal of it and it just seems to keep on falling falling falling out. It just doesn't seem to grow. It's always bunched up around my shoulders, so it feels like there's no hair in the back of my head, and it always looks like this awkward sort of overgrown mullet.
Is it because I've dyed it too many times? Has it been thinned out beyond what is healthy? Is it just the way it's been cut and layered with a vengeance by one too many scissor-happy Asian stylists? Why? Why why for the love of God WHY?
I had vowed to myself during the beginning of the summer that I wouldn't let a pair of scissors near my head until I came home for Christmas break. That would have given my hair 6-7 months to grow out, which should give the stylist enough to work with without having to cut my hair short AGAIN. But on the bus ride to Crane's Beach this morning, I was thinking maybe I should cut it when I come home from Showa. My bangs are overgrown and really quite ugly; sections of my hair haven't been trimmed since March 2006; and honesty, I'm really sick of this awkward clunky mullet.
What do I do? Should I go for the cut, or stick it out for a few more months? And WHY is my hair falling out in alarmingly large amounts? Dear friends, some advice would be gladly appreciated; then maybe my hair would fall out just a liiiittle less.