Jun 17, 2007 13:55
*EMILY: I promise promise promise I will post those music recommendations SOON. Promise!
Forgive me for being totally and completely out of the loop, but the new iTunes is really fantastic and a lot of fun to futz around with. It's not so *shiny* or *metallic* and the three different viewers with the awesome Cover Flow is so *sleek* and *hip*. I am enamored. Unfortunately, most of my music is lacking in album art, so the whole Cover Flow experience is somewhat dampened by endless eighth (that word took a long time to figure out how to spell) notes on black background.
I finally got around to setting up an iTunes store account (SHUT UP I know I'm slow), so now all my music from now on will be automatically equipped with nice album art. It's very dangerous, my having an iTunes store account: I have had to use every ounce of self-control and self-restraint I could possibly have in my body to prevent myself from going into debt *really really fast*.
I got a bunch of books from the library last week, and I'm currently reading Murakami's most recent collection of short stories, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman. It's taken me a week to read 200 or so pages: For some reason, I can't stay focused, and if I read for too long I start to feel sick. It's definitely not the book, because while his short stories are something of a shock after recently reading Dance Dance Dance, Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman is turning out to be terrific, engaging, lyrical, profound, and beautiful. I am in a brain funk. I am in an emotional funk. I finally found my laptop powerchord last week, and upon eagerly opening up iTunes for the first time in more than a month, realized with horror that I didn't want to listen to and didn't even LIKE any of my music. Psychology majors, help me!
It both amuses and saddens me how badly Barry Bonds has been getting booed at every at bat these past two days. It's practically A-rod-esque. But it does fill me with warm, fluffy joy to see Dave Roberts get a standing ovation at *his* every at bat. Very Trot Nixon-esque. I love the Nation.