(no subject)

Aug 08, 2009 18:51

[Hey. Hey SBG, guess what?
No, come on. Guess.
Oh, alright, I'll tell you...


Yeah, that's right! Blind dates.

Saturday morning, fliers went up around the whole school announcing the event. Who printed these fliers? It is obviously a complete mystery! All anyone knows is they're printed on pink paper and smell vaguely of vanilla. The bottoms of them all are cut for tear-off strips like those piano lesson fliers with a small form on them which you, the mun, do not have to fill out.;
Dorm #/Residence:

Near each bunch of fliers is also a small pink box with a slit on the top to put the strips into. The box is marked with red, construction paper letters; "BLIND DATES ♥"

From August 8th until the 16th, students and faculty have the opportunity to sign up. On the 17th, anyone who has signed up will be given a note or an e-mail with a date, time of day and a table number.

The dates will be taking place (or at least starting) at an off-campus restaurant that has agreed to participate. The restaurant has a few separate rooms with 3 or 4 tables each.
Not all the dates will be at the same time; some will be during the afternoon, night, or even on different days (between August 22nd and September 5th). Your characters are free to wander away with their dates to a bar, park, back to the dorms, etc.

Now! The OOC information!
The way this is going to go is going to depend very heavily on how many people sign up. So depending on what kind of a reaction I get, this may be one big log with separate threads or separate logs. But that will happen when it happens and it is not particularly your concern at this point (though if you'd prefer one over the other, let me know!).

Another thing is, if you have a character who you want to be signed up, but wouldn't sign up on their own, feel free to have another character sign them up for you. Just clear it with the other mun first. Pixle told me she'll have Ganondorf or Crazy Hand sign up just about anyone. ♥

One final note before I get onto the OOC forms; Don't sign up unless you really want to do it! Bailing on logs isn't fair to me or the other mun.

NOW! A form for the mun to keep this enjoyable for everyone! I don't want any students paired up with faculty unless both muns (characters, who cares!) are comfortable with it. Same goes with same-sex couples and stuff like that. So please fill out your forms with what you'd prefer for your characters. Your comments will be screened to keep this as mysterious as possible. Any questions will be unscreened, as well as Peach's form to give an example.

Character Name:
Non-workable days: (this is for teachers who are teaching or anyone who has prior engagements on certain days. leave this part out if it doesn't apply.)

...And that's it! Thanks for reading my tl;dr.]

ooc, blind dates, information, events sure are cool

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