Jul 16, 2005 14:08
well im back from my aunt's, the good news is there are no tumors on my back, the bad news i have to wait until the 30th of august to get surgery done so im stuck sitting around jobless until then. unfortunately that means im probally have to take a symester off of college or mabey even two, which SUCKS!!! but i guess it will all work out in some way or another. right im thinking optimistically, but the truth is they still dont know what kind of tumor it is. if it's cancerous im pretty much dead, but i figure what ever happens is meant to happen. and i have never feared death so i figure why start now? i would just be reborn as a different person if i did die, so technically when you think about it no one ever dies, they just keep moving on....... the soul is eternal. im more worried about how every one else is taking this. im not trying to worry anyone, actually i've been trying to avoid worrying ppl, by not telling them everything and under exagerating the truth. but i guess for the most part im happy, stressed out about school and the root of all evil which unfortunately is what i need most right now to get my car on the road so i can work after i recover and go back to school. (sigh) well now that all thats out, in it's one sentence sort of way, i guess im going to go now....... toodles!