Apr 29, 2006 15:16
'Kay, so outside of being entirely unaware that I could have died last night, yesterday was pretty cool. I got my paycheck -- $154! I'll have Twing payed off and thensome by my next check. I'm gonna have to see if I can nab $25 out of it to mail to Taisa so I can steal her extra stuff so she's not eyeless and wigless forever. XD
In other news, Kohl's was definately robbed last night. Guys came in and ran out with like five trashbags full of shit. Wouldn't have bothered me at all if I hadn't been the only person working in the Men's Department. So management's trying to get me in trouble for this and I'm like ha-ha, No? It's not my fault they put a newbie on a department by herself, I was doing my job, at POS where I was stationed. I had like... eight people in line, nobody listened when I paged for more cashiers, so bite me. It's not my fault your security sucks as much as your management and let people get out of the store with bags upon bags of crap. I was being a cashier, which is what I'm paid for, not being a security guard. I told Jack I'd damn well be getting some brownie points for being in Men's by myself all night, too. Five and a half hours on a dept. by yourself is NO FUN, especially not when you've only been on the job for just over two weeks. Feel free to stop sucking hairy monkey balls anytime, management. Kthx.
I'm all squirmy about prom. And I have to be at Molly's in an hour and a half. *squeal*
Bought this cool stuff by John Frieda, intesifies the red of my hair. It looks hella awesome. There will be many pictures. :D I really wish Cat's van played burned CDs, I wanna burn a Panic! At the Disco/Eisley CD because they are the loves of my musical life right now.
Needa go out somewhere and find a pink chiffon sash thing for Rissa's masquerade. Dress is black, colortheme is black and pink. I figure I'll buy some pink nailpolish from Sally's for 69 cents, paint my fingernails/toenails with it and possibly more glittery shinies, then get a pink sash like the black one that came with the dress. That's enough pink, right? Maybe I can go by Hot Topic and buy a thing of that OMGPINK eyemakeup like the green red and blue I have. Dammit Rissa you've got me liking pink. The world is coming to an end. x__x
Boy's will be boys, hiding in estrogen and wearing aubergine dreams...
...Which reminds me that Perry might be going to Rissa's party and makes me wonder how that will go. I haven't seen him since Christmas. That should be interesting. >>;
X3 kbye.