Feb 06, 2006 17:44
spring semester schedule:
1. American Literature/Contemperary Composition- Fitzmorris
2. U.S. History- Neustadter
3. Art;Painting- Irilian
4. Web Design- Diebold
5. Geometry B- Steffen
6. Yearbook- Salehyar
My sister hated Irilian when she had her. I hated Irilian when I was a freshman and mostly when she wanted to push me. Ive come to realize how shockingly AMAZING she is.
She stopped me in the hall today when I was so upset after Diebolds endless shit storm, and basically I had a nervous breakdown and she hugged me and i cried and she helped me work things out so good. I told her everything that I was really scared about and how the Diebolds' website was getting to me and how i dont have anything else portfolio wise.
And so she put me in her painting class.
shes going to help me in all the ways that i'm weak and need work in.
not only that, shes giving me work specifically assigned to me, for me, made just for this specific case to develop all the things i need.
so mostly, i'll be doing remakes of.... Kadinsky? the russian guy who came up with the color theory. And drawings of shoes, and studying alot about warhol, and making posters.
mostly just painting with acrylics and stuff.
suddenly breathing is like an arrival.
yeah. other than that i had a shitty day.