Prompt me!

Dec 09, 2011 13:14

Guys, I have been in the biggest slump, art wise. Somebody inspire me! Surely someone has a something they want to see drawn? Sam/Dean, Sam alone, Dean alone, Castiel/Dean, just Cas, Sam/Castiel, etc.... Help!

blah blah

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twisting_vine_x December 10 2011, 00:39:30 UTC
I'd leave a prompt, but I've already had the joy of you drawing something for me once before - should probably let someone else have a turn. ;)

Also, I meant to tell you that your artwork's been my laptop desktop since DCBB. I stuck the two pieces together and stuck them on my background and said background has not changed since. ♥


peach_gurl December 10 2011, 01:50:50 UTC
Aww! That's a really sweet thing to tell me! Thanks! I'd still love to hear any ideas you might have :) I'm on my weekend so I've got the time


twisting_vine_x December 10 2011, 02:53:44 UTC
Heh, well, in that case... hmmm. Trying to think of any Destiel ideas I've got kicking around in my head. Are you all caught up on S7? I don't want to spoil you for anything if you're not.


peach_gurl December 10 2011, 21:45:24 UTC
Oops sorry it took me so long reply! I went out then ko'd. Any who, yep I'm 100% caught up, you won't spoil me. So send it! Lol


twisting_vine_x December 11 2011, 00:54:28 UTC
Heh, no worries! And alright, if you're so inclined, I'd love to see something happy for season seven. Like, I dunno... in my head canon, Dean uses the trenchcoat as a pillow (thank you to Jensen for that suggestion), or a blanket, especially if he's stuck spending a night sleeping in the Impala, or something...

Anywho, I'd just love a picture from after Cas has come back, with Dean sitting there wrapped in the coat and looking content for once, and Cas just kinda smiling at him... or anything along those lines, honestly - I just want to see the boys happy together for once, since this seems to be the season where the writers have decided to break both Dean and the fans.


peach_gurl December 12 2011, 03:08:10 UTC
Oh my goodness! What a sweet prompt! I'm glad you shared it with me. I can already see it :) fair warning though, my time management skills blow. I've already started sketching tho!


twisting_vine_x December 12 2011, 09:32:37 UTC
Aw, yay - glad you like the prompt! :D And no worries about the time management skills - however long it takes, I'll just be sitting over here, happily waiting to see whatever ya come up with. :)


peach_gurl February 6 2012, 00:35:08 UTC

Here you go! I wish I could've made it look good in color, but it just wouldn't happen!


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