
Jan 16, 2011 02:16

Title: Robo!Sam, sleeping Dean; Dean/tentacle rape
Rating: NSFW
Notes: Couple of sketchy fills for spn_kink_art.

So very sketchy! )

sam/dean, cg, spn_kink_art

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Comments 3

ex_trolleys January 16 2011, 17:37:02 UTC
Guh, the first one... Love the colors in the second pic! (the softness of your style makes the subject matter less scary, heh ♥)


peach_gurl May 19 2011, 09:36:41 UTC
Hey thanks!!! I really do think I'm slightly incapable of drawing real porn... Also sorry for the radio silence from me!


subarashiine January 20 2011, 16:06:20 UTC
Absolutely beautiful work. I love the little bubbles you added in the second one, and the first piece is particularly eerie.. only because I know it's robo!Sam xD


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