Uber Supernatural Sketch Post Number Two!

Oct 26, 2008 00:27

Title: Fourteen Untitled Sketches
Rating: G - R
Pairing/Characters: Sam/Dean, Sam/OMC, Sam/Ruby, Jared/Jensen, Sam, Dean, Jared, Jensen,
Notes: This is just a dump of supernatural scribbles I had in my journal. Some of them are the sketches of pictures that have already been posted, some were in the comments of other posts, and some are ideas that were never fleshed out. Well some are just...stuff. :D Um, I know the rating says R, but I want you all to know some of these are NSFW, beginning with the first one.

Dean in his lederhosen. I think he's waiting for Sam... or Shape-shifter Dracula.

This is the initial sketch for a picture I did here.

Just a random, bitchy Sam.

This is the sketch for one of the pictures I did for spn_j2_bigbang. That can be found hither.

renka resquested Sam and Season 3 Ruby gettin' it on.

balefully asked for Sam tickling Dean and drawn with my left hand.

Merman Jared. Jensen gave him the hoodie because his nipples were distracting.

Merman Jensen in repose.

I believe these were some of the first Supernatural sketches I did. Well actaully, the picture of Jensen's chest on the right is from a Dark Angel screencap. The one on the left is from a cap of Sam having a vision and Dean clutching at him.

This is probably my only porny picture. The completed piece is this way, though I like this one better.

I posted a painted version of this in the other sketch dump I did a while back.

This is Sam and some dude. I'm pretty sure it's not Dean.

Dean in Prada.

Aaaaand finally this is a picture after I did last season's finale. It was supposed to be Dean waking up from his stint in Hell to a post-apocalyptic Eden. Sam is around somewhere.

And that is all. For now.

jared/jensen, spn_art, sam/other, sam/dean, sam/ruby, sketches

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