Sep 09, 2009 21:45
So today is 9 themed day. Ninth day, of the ninth month, of the ninth year of 2000. I also saw 9!
It was good. I liked it, worth seeing on the big screen. But I think I liked the short almost better. Both were good - but so different from each other. I mean, they had completely different story lines pretty much, other than the whole 'humanity is dead'. Very enjoyable non the less hehe.
So, yes. I'm officially going out with someone. I really like him. I wonder how this will all go. I'm not sure about kissin' and stuff. I'm slightly nervous about that. I mean I dunno how it'll all go. So. Yes. Nervous.
I'm now watching Glee, new TV show. It's interesting. I've watched 4 minutes of it so far. Interesting.
So my arm hurts still. Slightly. It's getting better! But I still most definitely hurt ;; As the sling helps.
Guh. I am unsure of the whole relationship. I want it - most def. but at the same time nervous. We shall see how things go >w<
Anyways. That's really all I have to say xD.
- Peach
daily chat