Jun 02, 2014 18:00


I’m Peach.
[Some of my fandom friends call me Peach-chan. Peacchan would be much better (just to make it short~ XD ).]

94-liner. I’m a day older than Kenty~ [Nakajima Kento].

I’m from Philippines~!

MUSIC LOVER. I love listening to songs that I don't understand the meaning. Haha~ Japanese, most especially. I also listen to Korean songs [though, I'm not a KPop fan], some Thai, Chinese, English and OPM but not that much. I've also watched two Indian films and I also find their song creations interesting [I'm speaking for those two films, though. I haven't watch any other movies after that.]. I'm the type who will listen to a song whenever it catches my attention, no matter who the singer is.

Yoroshikuuuu~ (^_^)


A Johnny’s Junior.

One (1) year, seven (7) months and nineteen (19) days younger than me.

SOON TO DEBUT. XD Yeah, just like any Jr. Fans, I always hope for this to happen.

We have three children [*slaps myself*]:

KAITO                                      KONOMI                                HINATA

Cutie pato0otie, ne? (^__^)

Before Myuto, they were my taisetsunaonlyone:
  • UEDA TATSUYA [almost four years and two months. LOL~!] So far, the guy that I liked for the longest time. :) I still like him, though I'm not completely updated anymore.
  • MATSUMOTO JUN [two years and eleven months~ HAHAHA.] My very handsome hatsukoi~ :)
My favorite debuted groups:
  • KAT-TUN [6nin]. NUMBER ONE IN MY HEART. FOREVER. (^__^) They had a great impact in my life [won't elaborate much about that here XD]. When they became 5nin, I was on a very long hiatus so I don't know much about their activities then. >.< I became active again last year, but Koki left the group few months after. :'(
  • Hey! Say! JUMP. Handsome guys. [Wait, that's all~?!] Hahaha~! XD
  • Sexy Zone. I knew about them just last year, because of the Juniors that I'm following. And I'm beginning to love them, too. :3

The following people are those that I secretly admire:
  • Yasui Kentaro [my niban]
  • Kyomoto Taiga
  • Iwamoto Hikaru
  • Shimekake Ryuya
  • Nakada Hiroki
  • Fukazawa Tatsuya
  • Morohoshi Shoki
  • Sanada Yuma
  • Nozawa Yuki
  • Watanabe Shota
  • Kouichi Yugo
  • Jesse [Lewis]
  • Kikuchi Fuma
  • Moritsugu Ryota
  • Kishi Takayoshi
  • Nakayama Yuma
  • Nishihata Daigo
  • Yamada Ryosuke [my ichiban in HSJ]
  • Chinen Yuri
  • Takaki Yuya
  • Sakuma Daisuke
  • Iwahashi Genki

Here are the other adorable guys that I enjoy watching:

**Bad Boys J Guys

Chicken Basket [49 beauties]
  • Takahashi Fuu
  • Teranishi Takuto
  • Matsumura Hokuto
  • Tanaka Juri
  • Morimoto Shintaro
Travis Japan
  • Abe Aran
  • Kawashima Noeru
  • Yoshizawa Shizuya
  • Nakamura Kaito
  • Kajiyama Asahi
  • Miyachika Kaito
Snow Man
  • Abe Ryohei
  • Miyadate Ryota
Other Johnny's Juniors
[I won't be categorizing them anymore. :) ]
  • Hanzawa Akatsuki
  • Takada Sho
  • Masuda Ryo
  • Matsuda Genta
  • Matsukura Kaito
  • Jinguji Yuta
  • Haniuda Amu
  • Nakamura Reia
  • Kishi Yuta
  • Anderson Casey Takeshi
  • Motodaka Katsuki
  • Takahashi Kaito
  • Nagase Ren
  • Onishi Ryusei
  • Kin Kan*
Sexy Zone
  • Nakajima Kento
  • Sato Shori
  • Matsushima Sou
  • Marius Yo
  • Kamenashi Kazuya
  • Taguchi Junnosuke
  • Nakamaru Yuichi
  • Tanaka Koki [left the group]
  • Akanishi Jin [left the group]
Hey! Say! JUMP
  • Nakajima Yuto
  • Arioka Daiki
  • Inoo Kei
  • Yabu Kota
  • Yaotome Hikaru
  • Okamoto Keito
I might be forgetting some other guys right now. I'll just add their names if I could remember them alreadyyy~ (^__^)

Oh, and I also like watching artists and listening to performers outside JE [Nogizaka46, E-girls, Flumpool, Aqua Timez, etc. < - - - Though I don't know much about them yet. :3 ]. And I won't mention all of them here anymore. :)

I would love to make friends, most especially those who have the same interests as me. :)

In RL, of course, I do have friends. But none of them is fond of this fandom. So sometimes, I feel like I'm really alone. I have no friends who can relate to everything I say. They try to listen but I know myself, that they didn't really absorb it. HAHA. My local fandom friends are scattered all over the country so there's a little possibility of seeing each other as frequent as possible. Plus, we're all busy since almost all of us are in college now.

That's why even if it's just online, I would really be happy to meet new friends and chat with them.

So if you're also looking for one, don't hesitate to communicate with me. (^__^)

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My hidden diary. All reblogs there = PEACH FRAULEIN.

MIXED. XD [Fandom, Life Issues, My Interests, etc.]
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I made this account to have cover song exchanges with my fandom friends. Another way of communicating with them. ^_^
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I'm not used to it yet. HEHE~ But I'm checking it once in a while. :) I'll try "exploring" it one day. XD

Add me~! Comment here so that I could add you back [I might fail to notice it on my messages, that's why~]. :)

