May 30, 2008 16:53
First and foremost: get healthy and relax. stupid, stupid allergies. stupid, stupid sinuses. stupid, stupid anxiety.
-Read (currently: East of Eden)
-See lots of improv, and do improv every chance I get
-Eat well...down with refined sugar and unnecessary snacking!
-Exercise. at least a little.
-Earn dollaz n centz
-Refrain from wasting said dollaz and centz
-Traaaaavel as much as health and said dollaz and centz will allow
-Enjoy life/develop perspective (often easier said than done)
Hmmm. May not seem like much to most, but mostly the get healthy thing will be hard work.
Totes less into LJ these days. S'okay with me. Hope everyone in LJLand is well!
summer 2008