Sep 22, 2007 01:12
I am so frustrated. It is really gettin frustrating to date someone in the military yet alone someone who is deployed in iraq. I hate it that tonite i had to push my plans aside just so we could talk. And once again, as soon as i cancelled my plans with nicole, he had to go. it's always like that. he always has to go. it's just getting really frustrating. I knew it was goin to end up like this again. i fuckin hate cancelling on my friends and him leaving me anyways after a few mins.
i don't know im just so frustrated with this relationship. i should be excited that he's coming home in a few weeks but i am having mixed feelings. I'm happy for him to be gettin out of the shithole but then at the same time im scared that the things that he's done in the past are goin to happen again once he's back. In a way having him in iraq was kinda a relief cuz there's no women there but then at the same time that's where he did the unexpected.
maybe i expected so much of him. maybe i expected him to be the bf that i have been wanting. i don't know. he's my first bf and i really shouldn't have expected for all the good things to happen. but then again im just a girl