(no subject)

Aug 09, 2011 22:36

Knowledge - Havok/Banshee
Title: Knowledge
Author: peaceypoo  
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Pairing: Alex/Sean
Rating: pg13
Warnings/Spoilers: No spoilers worth mentioning. This is, however, a mix of canon and alternate timeline, twisted and mixed to my own preference, simply for the sake of this story. The only significant difference from the film!universe is that this features Jean Grey and Scott Summers...
Disclaimer: I own nothing; all charaters belong to Marvel and all that jazz.
Summary: /Knowledge is a familiarity with someone or something.../ - Wikipedia
Word count: ~1070

(Also, this is my first time writing Alex/Sean; feedback and opinions on characterisation would be greatly appreciated! :] )

The way Sean jumped ten feet off his bed when Alex came barging through the redhead’s bedroom door definitely didn’t fit into the category of ‘cool’. It didn’t matter much though, since he’d given up on successfully acting “cool” in front of Alex ages and ages ago anyway; frankly he was just happy he hadn’t let go of his guitar in the jump. However, he was quick to set it down next to his bed stand as Havok threw himself - face down - on the bed in a somewhat despondent manner, or perhaps a very despondent manner.

“Hello to you too,” he murmured quietly as Alex buried his face in the side of his knee, merely earning a frustrated groan in response. He reached out his hand, allowing his fingers to lightly drag through Alex’s short, blonde hair. “I suppose asking you if something’s wrong would be redundant to the conversation…?” The only affirmation Sean received was the blonde snuggling further into his leg. “Wanna tell me what it is that is wrong…?” he asked softly.

Alex shook his head but wriggled further onto the bed, only to rest his head in Sean’s lap instead. He was tense; his whole body rigid with stress and anger. The redhead slowly started massaging the other boy - man’s - neck with one hand. “I take it you’re gonna have me guess the issue instead of just telling me?”

It wasn’t uncommon for this to happen; even after so many months - coming close to years even - Alex had a difficulties opening up, even more so when he was upset. Few people could handle his moping; many gave up after mere minutes, often muttering things about Alex being ‘childish’ or ‘unreasonable’ or ‘impossible’ and so on and so forth. Luckily Banshee was one of the few who could indeed manage him. Fifty percent of the few, actually; the other half being the Professor - who obviously didn’t need Alex to open his mouth to find out what the problem was.

Sean took a deep breath, leaning his head against the headboard and closing his eyes. “So,” he began, “what might this be about? Hank? Although I suppose he’s not much of an asshole. Not enough to insult you anyway…” while trailing off into silent pondering, he felt Havok taking a hold of his unoccupied hand, bringing the tips of Sean’s fingers to his lips. He felt the soft caress of Alex’s breath across the back of his hand, then the palm, as Alex turned it over and back in his own, eyes steadily trained on the numerous freckles spread across a canvas of pale skin. “No, that’s not it…Well, it’s certainly not the Professor, and I doubt Jean would do you any harm; she’s so humble, you know? That leaves me and Scott, and something tells me you wouldn’t be here right now if it was me; you’d probably be down in the bunker, like in the old days. So, Scott, huh? What’d he do now?”

A sullen grunt and blunt nails dragging lightly across his forearm; Alex sighed as Sean ceased the massage of his neck, instead playing with the shirt strands at the nape of it.

“C’mon, Alex,” whispered Banshee. “Won’t you tell me? Please?”

Alex never could resist the redhead, despite his struggles to make it appear as if he wasn’t completely whipped. The boy sure knew which buttons to press. “You guessed it,” he admitted, clearing his throat. He squirmed further up Sean’s body, ending up with his head resting on the redhead’s shoulder this time, letting his hands enclose the one he had previously been studying as Sean’s other hand fell down to Alex’s waist.

“What’d he do now?” Sean inquired as he pressed a light kiss to the top of Alex’s head. “Anything in particular?”

“No, not really,” Havok confessed. “It’s just -” he sighed, fiddling with Sean’s fingers. “I haven’t seen him- …for years. He comes barging in like he’s the boss of me.” He shut his eyes, brow furrowing as he swallowed harshly. “He is, I guess. Was. It’s different now; he’s got no right to make decisions for me!”

With a hush, Banshee tightened his grip around his boyfriend’s waist. “What decisions was it he was trying to make?” His voice was calm, composed.

Alex looked him in the eye before heaving another sigh and turning his gaze down to their entwined hands. Unlike Sean, his voice was nearing a quiver. “Who I’m-…He’s trying to pick a partner for me. It’s stupid. He knows I’ve already got you - I don’t want anyone else.” The last sentence was merely the ghost of a whisper - it was a miracle Sean picked it up at all - but it made the redhead’s heart flutter strangely inside his ribcage anyway; declarations of affection - at least the verbal kind - were rare with Alex, but dearly appreciated.

“He’s your older brother; he wants what he thinks is best for you,” Sean reasoned.

“Stop being so fucking rational; if I wanted clever I would’ve hit on Beast,” Alex grumbled, earning an amused laugh from Banshee.

This time it was Sean who made an awkward wriggle, downwards, to match Alex’s slouching position. He pressed theirs lips together in a soft kiss. “Then ignore him; he wants someone to take care of you, and -”

“I do not need someone to take care of me!” Alex interrupted with a scoff.

“Actually, you do.” Sean let out an odd squawk as Alex dug his fingertips into his sides, but agreed that he deserved it - even though he was right - but at least he made the blonde smile again. “I’m just saying! Who knows where you would be if you didn’t have me watching over you! You’d probably live in that damn bunker! Imagine how pale you’d be.”

“Not as pale as you, that’s for sure, carrot top.” With that he dug his fingers into Sean’s sides again, tickling him just to hear his cackle of a laugh. “But I’d rather have you watch over me than anyone else, you know,” he whispered once the laughter ceased.

“I know,” Sean agreed. Their noses were barely touching and they were both getting slightly light-headed from sharing the same air for so long, but neither minded, reveling in the closeness of the other. Sean wrapped his arms more securely around the blonde, dragging him down to a lying position. He kissed him again, harder this time, before whispering “I know.”

first class, x-men, banshee, havok, alex/sean, fanfiction, story, slash

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