The Democrats have neatly decided to exclude New York Sen. Hillary Clinton from their list of speakers at the National Democratic Convention.
Check it out. Does that make anyone else angry? First of all, she's been amongst the top fundraisers for the Kerry ticket from day one. She's been one of the most outstanding figure in the Democratic party since Clinton left the White House. And, if Kerry doesn't get elected this November, she and John Edwards will be the top Democratic candidates in 2008. Furthermore, they're having some governor's wife speak instead (probably to appease the feminists). I'm a little bit despondent about working there now, even though Jimmy Carter is speaking (!).
Why did they do it? I don't understand. It's not like they don't have time in their schedule, and it's not like she's a bad speaker, and it's not like Kerry would have lost votes because she spoke, and it's not like she's just a figurehead for the feminists. She's an actual Senator who has been doing good things for our country. People can be so stupid...