Taxi Driver: A Kind-Of Review

Jun 14, 2004 12:27

Taxi Driver was supposed to be a classic of my parents' generation, I think partially due to the shock value behind all the violence. It's scary to think that I thought next to nothing of it. I blame the fact that my generation is amazingly jaded to violence of all kinds. I mean, millions of kids my age and younger play video games featuring the kind of violence and general "dirtiness" that went on in 'Taxi Driver' -- prostitution, drug pushing, guns, racism, infidelity, disease, plain old chaos -- often enough where it becomes commonplace. That's a scary thought.

Overall, I can't decide whether or not I liked Taxi Driver. I guess it's of the same kind of genre as Catcher In the Rye, and since I can't relate to those kinds of characters (we'll call it the Holden Complex), it's hard for me to relate to the story as a whole. I dunno, maybe I'm a phony, or one of those scummy, cold, distant people that Travis talked about. Maybe I'm too much of a politician.

I think I need to see it again. From a technical standpoint, I loved the atmosphere the the film exuded... It's almost as if it was hiding something so much bigger than the audience could imagine. Something really, really dark. I was also impressed by De Niro's Travis. I love Cybill Shepherd, though I dunno... I didn't really get why her character was there. I'll let you know when I figure it out.

So yeah, back to studying for English.
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