Well it's been the week of weeks, and everybody has to get something off their chest. I thought maybe I wouldn't need to, because I've been trying real hard to keep my voice quiet on the internet since 2013. After what happened, I kept my head down, kept quiet about my beliefs, tried hard to blend in. There is absolutely no pain in the world like being turned against by people you thought were friends, just because they find out that deep down, you're different from them.
But now a reality TV star with comic book notions of how international trade works has just been elected to the White House, God help us all, and it's an understood trend across the country that we get to speak our mind, even if it's just this once. We'll see if Trump actually carries through on that threat to sue newspapers for speaking badly about him. Maybe the bloggers will be next.
Everyone's looking for someone to blame, so I'll shrug and blame the progressives.
For my entire, and I mean from Year One, life I have heard nothing but jewels of praise and adoration fall from the lips of progressives as they worship at the altar of Franklin Roosevelt. Who's your favorite president? Roosevelt! Who was the greatest first lady? Eleanor! What's the greatest thing to ever happen to this country? The New Deal! Not a word did they speak about how the New Deal favored heavily unionized industries, which in the first half of the century clasped hands across factory doors to blockade out the black workers, the Chinese, the Mexicans. Unions didn't want foreign competition, they wanted things to stay white and true. Any historian who gives a shit about the black people of this country will tell you that the New Deal was nothing but a Raw Deal for any blue-collar worker with a face that wasn't white.
But we all know that that's not even Roosevelt's worse case of racism. No, we all know it, but we don't talk about it, because shh! He gave us the New Deal! Got us out of the Depression! Everything he did balances the fact that he targeted millions of a certain race, robbed them, and then locked them up in concentration camps for the crime of having the wrong name. Let me repeat that: he locked up people based on their skin color. If you were an American citizen with a Japanese name, you got your shop taken away from you, your home, everything you ever owned or worked for, and shipped off to a camp in the middle of Wyoming. The lucky ones didn't die of pneumonia, they just got released years later and told to start all over again.
But the progressives don't talk about it. If Roosevelt had been a Republican, this story would be hanging from the walls about the hideous racism of our past, but instead they just want to brush it under the rug and pretend it didn't happen. My whole life I've been fed the notion that it's okay to have a racist president who targets identity groups and locks them up, and now guess what? The people of this country listened, and they voted for one. And NOW the progressives want to scream and wail about the horribleness of it all. NOW it's not okay to have a racist president who targets identity groups! Well, life sucks, doesn't it? We're stuck him for four years, and they have no one but themselves and their hypocritical Roose-fetish to blame.
Well, folks, not only did you get what you wanted, you seriously got what you wanted. Not only did Trump get the WH, Republicans got both sides of Congress. DT even gets to pick the next judge. Everything that happens for the next four years will literally be the work of Republicans - there can be no blaming obstructionist opposition, no whining that you got stonewalled. (nyuk, Trump) And when it all fails miserably, as it surely will, people will realize that no, racism is not a coherent foreign policy nor is it much of an economic one. When things at Wal-Mart and Home Depot cost thrice as much, maybe it will be time to re-evaluate whether it truly bothers us if white or Chinese fingers sewed the shirts on our back. If I weren't so terrified of the prospect of Muslim concentration camps forming their own Gulago Archipelago across the country, I'd almost be fascinated to stand by and watch how badly this will fail. Also, it may be time to consider the Seasteading Project. Or Iceland?