Yes, I admit it - I'm goofy over my dog. She's definitely my doggy daughter and she's so cute most of the time I can't stand it, lol. There are times she turns into the attention-whore Bellamonster, which has the added behavior now of barking - working with her on that, oy - but for the most part, she's adorable and sweet and a great companion. Now that my husband is only home every OTHER weekend, UGH!, it helps so much to have her near.
Though I really wish I could get her to understand some English better, lol! She does know some words and phrases, but has this habit of staring at me as if uncomprehending. Wish I could see into that doggy brain of hers! She knows "go outside, do business", "go to the bed", "nap", "Bella come too" (as in go to the car), "walk", "park", "dinner", "breakfast", "bring the ball", "where's the ball", "beg nice" (command to sit up on her haunches), "gimme paw" (she does this everytime now if she thinks food might be coming!), "sit"...
Then there are words that she may know but doesn't really comply with, lol - "stay", "wait", "come". I hope to get her back in a training class in the spring, and I hope to work with her more once tax season is over. (And by the way, I'm LOVING my new job, lol. Get money away from the US gov't for folks? Oh, yeah, works for me.)
(Been up since about 3 am - yeah, this is insane - about 5:15 now. BUT I get to chat via voice over YIM with my husband at this time - doing it now, heh - since he's on Eastern time and has to be at work at 7 his time - yeah, on a Sunday - manufacturing plant where he's an engineering project manager - his schedule sucks...)
Oh, and it's pretty official - the MyBook is dead. Doing the Click of Death thing. My friend David who is an IT geek, liberated it from its enclosure to try it in another - same thing. Tuesday we're going to try the Last Resort solution - maybe 10% of a chance of working - the old stick-it-in-the-freezer trick, LOL!
Well, last week, preparing to hopefully transfer stuff from the old drive over, I bought a Seagate FreeAgent Pro external HD, 750 GB - very cool, absolutely silent, plug n play! Although it looks now like we won't be able to recover the old drive's data, I'm already working to recreate - *gulp* - as much of the library of anime on that drive as I can. I've been to Animenfo to recreate a list of what anime series are probably on that drive... and already moved over what was on the laptop that I've d'loaded since then.
Now I'm downloading - to the laptop first - a couple series via batchtorrents, though it will take a long time. A batchtorrent of ALL of D. Gray-man was just released and I'm currently about 40% through that, then I am also d'loading from a batchtorrent Darker Than Black. But, OY... except for Bleach, I pretty much have to recreate, well, everything in the past year? *whimper*. I want to see what I can still get myself, but - oh, Sharon, I will most likely have to take you up on your uber-generous offer! And please let me reimburse you for disks and shipping. We'll talk - I'll share my list with you soon!
I hope to be sending the MyBook back for a replacement as I think it's on warranty - or I'll be buying a second external as soon as I can afford it. I WANT REDUNDANCY!!!
Word to anyone planning on mass storage devices - BUY TWO! Or get one of those duo 1 TB drives that are basically two 500's sitting in one case. But I've found these things are so unreliable that you're nuts to only have one. I did a heck of a lot of research to settle on the Seagate, but even that's not perfect. Faster... very cool looking... even more silent than the MyBook... but, damn it, it's still a damn old HD with platters and wanky connectors inside.
My friend wondered why I burned stuff to DVDs instead of just storing stuff to HDs - this is why. Of course, he's got like 3 or 4 MyBooks himself - the man collects MASSIVE amounts of music - not classical, I don't think, but damn near everything else from the last half century. We're talking probably 3-4 terabytes of music. He doesn't even LISTEN to it - he collects it all, no matter how obscure. And shares it readily - his form of redundancy (LOL - he loses a drive, he knows who to get stuff back from! Our mutual friend Buddy probably has everything he has, too). He let me copy over whole discographies of some of my favorite artists from the drive he brought, which had artists from M-Z and his impressive Top 100 Hits folders from EVERY year since 1950 - no lie!
Hee, hee, beware of pagans wielding external hard drives!
Shit, I've written enough here this morning. Now I'm either going to go back to bed... or make cookies for today's class, lol.