Oct 30, 2007 15:51
I'm... exhausted. As expected. Post-con and all.
Of course, what didn't make matters any better was my sweet loving dog having a puke-fest at 2:30 am. Bella was REALLY happy to see me, but hadn't touched the kibble my husband had left her in her bowl, so I hand-fed her about a third of a cup's worth, maybe less...
I didn't hear her puking, just woke to her crying that wouldn't stop. She'd thrown up in her bed, off to the side of her crate, and in a big puddle on the linoleum. I blame whatever gunk the vet's office had her eating while she was boarded there, and probably stress. So a couple hours later when she seemed entirely fine and calmer, I let her sleep on an extra dog bed in my bedroom. I got up to get my glass of water about 4:35 and just in that time she puked again, this time on the carpet right by the guest bedroom door. Oy. But that seemed to be it. She's right as rain today, though I had to drag myself off to tax class and the midterm. *yawn* Napped this afternoon, but I can feel that I'm still exhausted.
Next year, my husband is not taking his fishing vacation with work buddies the same weekend as Yaoi-Con. *sigh* Just don't want to board her for that long again. (She was otherwise fine! Though, ugh, the vet's hadn't done anything I'd asked, not bathed her or did her nails, check her teeth, etc. Much less give her her bed and toys that I'd left with them. When I have energy back, I'll burn their ears.)