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moebiuscat September 17 2014, 15:14:40 UTC
Everybody know the danger of high voltage, right? Then why are there signs of "Danger! High voltage" in obvious places? Same here: yes, most people know, but some can be ignorant or get there by mistake. Also, there are some perfectly safe arab villages (mostly chistian but some muslim too) where a Jew can go and have a dinner at the Lebanese restaurant or shop at the market. They are within Israel proper, but still - it doesn't hurt to warn people just in case.

Not everybody there are "demented extremists", they are a minority of course. But as their elections, and 9/11 street celebrations and many other facts have shown time and time again - population overwhelmingly supports them. So, for example, if you look like a good kidnapping or an attack target - people will call and tell someone who knows where "demented extremists" are to let them know of an opportunity.

US actually IS controlling the situation within its borders constantly, and I'm sure many terrorist attacks are thwarted all the time. Even the weak Obama administration must deal with this, and CIA, NSA and Homeland security is not totally dependent of the president, I'm they do their job. Still, US is constantly under clear and present danger of a terrorist attacks. Even here in Canada we had at least two prevented attacks in years since 9/11.

As for ISIS - nothing short of a full ground war will stop them. And who would want to fight that war? America doesn't need another war in Iraq. Why Americans should die for unclear cause with nothing good coming out of the war even if ISIS is stopped? When world powers were silent when millions (!) were killed in Rwanda and other places - and nobody does anything to prevent this, why should this be different? The only really bad thing for the west can happen if oil production is compromised, that's true but temporary, the real one is if terrorists get nuclear weapons. But that danger is not drom ISIS - it's from Iran.

ISIS with all its animalistic cruelty obviously has tremendous support from the local population, as it's growing fast and becomes more and more powerful. There can be no success in war where local population is against you. The full-blown sharia law and militaristic Islamic state seems to be what the people want there. The western civilization has become weak and stopped being a shining beacon for them to try to emulate as it was before...


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