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medok May 19 2014, 15:53:39 UTC
due to last world news shoud say: Stop russians.


Хватит нацисткого идиотизма andrey_kaminsky May 19 2014, 16:20:35 UTC
News should say: Stop idiots who are uttering nonsense. Russians are different. Someone should be stoped, some should not.


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 16:21:47 UTC
How are Russians different?


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма andrey_kaminsky May 19 2014, 16:42:31 UTC
Some of them are infants, there is no need stop them, it is enough to turn them into slaves. Other, of course, should be shot in the name of Goodness and Justice!)


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 17:09:42 UTC
I can't imagine a pro-Islamic statement appearing on a bus or subway station in Russia. As evidenced here on LJ, your society isn't so good at tolerating divergent viewpoints. Such provocative statements would likely cause uproar, fights, or serious harm amongst the most uncivilized in the society.


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма andrey_kaminsky May 19 2014, 17:25:47 UTC
I am free to say absolutely any nonsense about Israel and Palestine. My freedom ends where the government begins.


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма g_kar May 19 2014, 23:46:27 UTC
Actually it's hard to imagine pro-anything (except of Puting and his cronies from ER) statement in Russia :(


What is "pro-Islamic"? xpo_xpo_xpo May 20 2014, 01:49:30 UTC
Russian central TV has weekly show for Moslems (http://russia.tv/brand/show/brand_id/3959). But it's clear any ideas like "kill Jews" are strictly prohibited anywhere in Russia.


Re: What is "pro-Islamic"? peacetraveler22 May 20 2014, 01:55:17 UTC
I meant outrageous, sensationalist type statements like the one on the metro bus in the photo. Any ad that displays a photo of Hitler is meant to shock people and stir debate.


With Russian antitrust committee it's impossible to ad anything xpo_xpo_xpo May 20 2014, 02:21:02 UTC
E.g. recently they prohibited ad stating "Drink. Smoke. Drive recklessly. Natural selection is on the way. Our funeral company works 24/7": they said this ad promotes drinking and smoking (which is prohibited) and calls to breach the law.


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма medok May 19 2014, 16:53:53 UTC
Stop 'em all till not to late! Russian fascism must be stopped !


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 16:58:25 UTC
But many Russians believe Ukrainians are fascists. So, which is it? Very difficult for an outsider to understand the situation, or get reliable information about what's really happening.


medok May 19 2014, 17:17:30 UTC
If its difficult for you to understand the situation even right now- just dont care about this.
May be someday.


Re: Хватит нацисткого идиотизма mujlan01 May 19 2014, 17:22:23 UTC
As one of the many Russian I believe that most of the so-called Ukrainians are just poor Russians trapped in construction of a mythical state of Ukraine..(no language no culture no nation no common idea).. Unfortunately, this game is over with real blood ((


peacetraveler22 May 19 2014, 17:24:02 UTC
I understand your point. However, do you think there is a "common idea" in Russia or amongst Russians? Because many of my readers don't. Just curious.


mujlan01 May 19 2014, 19:29:36 UTC
Of course there is! Ultimately the idea was formulated by Imperator Alexander III more than a hundred years ago: "Russia should belong to the Russian, and everyone who lives on this land, is obliged to respect and appreciate these people".
Unfortunately ex KGB colonel is trying to built a kind of "Russian USA"....a country for everybody and nobody simultaneously (.a weird parody on actual us)..
As you can see Ineffective idea leads to pretty weak results...


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