Palestinian Delights

May 03, 2014 22:27

When walking the streets of Ramallah, it's impossible not to notice all the food vendors. Smells of exotic spices, roasted meats and sweets penetrate the air. Everywhere vibrant colors, constantly distracting me and causing me to fall behind from the rest of the group. For a food lover, it's an overwhelming experience. I wanted to touch and taste everything, and most vendors gladly offered a small sample to tease my taste buds. Typically I'm a picky eater, but when traveling in Palestine there were so many street options for interesting foods that I stepped out of my comfort zone and discovered many new delights. Unfortunately, I can't remember the name of most of them. Maybe readers can help? This was some type of fruit, with a fuzzy texture (similar to a peach). The taste was sour and the skin tough, but a surprise in the center! A small nut, or maybe it was a pit or seed? Overall, a strange and unusual taste but I liked it. I've never seen anything like it in America. Does anyone know the name of the fruit?

On our last night, we were treated to a huge home made feast by a local Palestinian family. I'll show you more foods when I write the full post, but for now I need to know the name of the purple spice on this flat bread. The spice nicely accentuated the sauteed onions and olive oil on the flat bread, but it's incredibly powerful in taste. In the back, you can see roasted chicken, mixed vegetable salad and home made falafel. All delicious! What is the colorful spice?

In Palestine, I ate well. So well that my jeans are now tight! Very delicious dishes can be purchased right on the street, and for a reasonable price. All places are happy to take American dollars, and actually prefer this currency. Much more expensive in Israeli cities and the food wasn't as exotic, though certainly delectable. Are you hungry yet? :) In which country did you find the most tasty or interesting foods? Sorry to say that Russia is on the bottom of my list for delicious dishes.

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