National Sibling Day

Apr 10, 2014 15:58

Today in America we celebrate National Sibling Day, a day to honor your brother or sister. I have one sister who is four years younger than me. Here we are in Portugal about ten years ago. Youth and thinness! :) In general, we've always had a close relationship, although I used to steal and hide her stuffed animals as a child when she annoyed me. Somehow she always forgave me. We have different personalities. She's more reserved, quiet, and not as outspoken as me. She can solve equations, fix mechanical things, and change a tire. I'm not so good at any of those things. Conversely, she struggles with conveying her thoughts in written form, and is overly polite, even when people don't deserve such respect and kindness. This sometimes makes me insane. I would say my sister is more like my father - passive and reserved, and I inherited my mother's trait of "telling it like it is." This isn't always the best policy, as it's sometimes better to bite your tongue and let the moment pass. Overall, she is more conservative than me in ideology and life practices.

Here we are a few years ago on the English Coast, standing on the Seven Sisters' cliffs. A beautiful landscape, yet also tragic. Seven Sisters holds the distinction of being one of the top suicide spots in the world.

I admire her most because she's an exceptional mother to my nephew. Always spending quality time with him, teaching him things, and offering support for all of his activities. I always say parenting is the most important job on the planet, and those who do it well are a special breed. And, let's face it, no matter the country mothers typically carry a heavier load when it comes to child rearing. They are the champions of the world!

Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you like or hate each other? I can't imagine life without my sister!

family, who am i?

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