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Comments 151

my_coast June 30 2013, 23:02:08 UTC
Well, Russia is a strange country.. Russians are xenophobic and suspicious sometimes, and at the same time Russia absorbs other cultures and many Russians are more friendly to Westerners than to other Russians, especially in services.. I've read comments in puerrtto's livejournal, and think people just have nothing to do, and what has happened there is not xenophobia, but just stupidity.


а мы на часах supdurak July 1 2013, 03:09:13 UTC
Re: а мы на часах my_coast July 1 2013, 06:11:28 UTC
strange and inefficient way of promoting this bad-voice singer..


peacetraveler22 July 1 2013, 14:41:00 UTC
Yes, anonymity and the internet is a breeding ground for stupidity. And it's widespread on LJ and other forums.


notabler June 30 2013, 23:04:07 UTC
They are and they always been xenophobic and racist nation. I remember my ordeal when I in 1970 went with my fellow student , 2 Ethiopian to "Moscow" hotel's restaurant. It was a nightmare I will never forget. I experienced hundreds insults and humiliation on my way to and in restaurant. And our evening finished with fight, because my mates needed to defend me from physical assault. We hardly managed to run away and went to student hostel by taxi. Couple months later I was invited to KGB office and they wanted to make me a agent to spy after my black friends. I know even in Soviet time there were at least 2 black student killed in Moscow every year, just from racial hatred. I believe now is much worst.


peacetraveler22 July 1 2013, 14:44:06 UTC
I saw only a few black people in Russia during my visit. This story is horrible and could easily have happened in America pre-civil rights movement. Perhaps there's still a lot of racial tension in the southern States but I don't notice it in my area.


maryasha_b June 30 2013, 23:19:39 UTC
I would really like to apologize for my people... (and for my English as well) Please, forgive us. I am ashamed of behavior like you've described above, but it is very common here. And indeed it is difficult to find explanation for this. Yes, we are very intolerant to other people, either foreigners, weak, gay, or simply different. Indeed, you cannot be different in Russia - this will cause suspicion and even hatred. We are not open-minded. We are not positive. And we are not friendly to strangers. And i find it awful. Maybe that's why Russian people are so unhappy: It is not Putin that makes our lives so miserable, but the way we treat each other every day... being rude, insulting, etc. As for foreigners - russians are just afraid of foreigners, consider the country was absolutely closed until recently, and Americans were like aliens. Most people, even young people do not speak English, they live in Russian speaking world, even when they go abroad they expect people to know Russian language and are very surprised if someone doesn't ( ... )


llueve July 1 2013, 05:43:47 UTC
Second part of our souls - always feeling guilty for all Russians. It's not right way too. We have a great history, many great compositors and writers. And also not only good people are living in Russia. It's normal. And of course we should improve our country.


peacetraveler22 July 1 2013, 14:49:08 UTC
Yes, you're right. Russia has a fascinating and complex history.


peacetraveler22 July 1 2013, 14:48:14 UTC
Your English is good! I don't view Russian people as animals. :) I'll be certain to return to Russia in the near future and do my best to give people a favorable impression of Americans. But some people will never change, no matter how hard you try. Have you traveled overseas?


g_kar June 30 2013, 23:31:58 UTC
What an interesting conspiracy theory! I think it should include people who met you IRL as KGB agents ( ... )


g_kar June 30 2013, 23:41:35 UTC
And I still wonder why Anna Chapman became such a fuss :)
According to limited data we common people have, she isn't a spy at all. She appears to be a daughter of some FSB nomenklatura, who helped her obtain the position only to funnel money into their pockets using her "cover" company...
TBH, she should've been jailed back in Russia, not hailed as a hero.


peacetraveler22 July 1 2013, 14:53:49 UTC
I understand that older Russians are merely victims of the fear/suspicion mentality instilled by the Soviet regime. But what about the younger generation? Some of the people who send me these crazy comments and messages are young. And Anna Chapman became a sensation because she's a beautiful woman. If she was ugly, the media would not have been as intrigued. :)


g_kar July 1 2013, 15:51:49 UTC
Well, most of the younger generation don't leave hundreds of comments in LJ, so several trolls may have quite an impact - which doesn't actually reflect thoughts of young people :)


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